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Old 2008-12-14, 12:59 AM   #15
You can now put whatever you want in this space :)
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FYI...I am still doing trades for and you keep credit on all of the galleries and banners for the traffic that you SEND...I think some people might be a little confused at to how it works so let me clarify:

1. Sign up for

2. Go into our webmasters tools and select "Free Hosted TGP"

3. Pick a skim level that matches you TGP (50% or 90% to galleries) and you will be given a url with your affiliate code.

4. Put that url in your trade script for where you return traffic to.

5. Add your TGP here so we know where to return traffic to:

6. Force us 25 hit to activate the trade.

That's it. At this point you will be trading traffic and getting credit just like you are the owner of your TGP and

In fact, you don't even have to have a tgp to take advantae of this feature. Say you own a could just add these links into your blogroll:

or;1412523&s=60 (you'd get 40% to 100% of the hit you send sent back, depending on productivity)

This works for linklists or any other kind of traffic source where you link other sites. It's a great way to make money and hold on to your traffic.

If you need more tips contact me or ICQ 62835707
Circle Of Violence
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