Thread: My new pets
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Old 2008-12-22, 08:44 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by sexandcash View Post
definitely the oddest choice of pet I've seen
My mother-in-law had a blue one in her aquarium with her tropical fish. I think they're fairly uncommon, but not odd. Blue is odd. (I think they inject dye into to them for that.)

For the record, I think the crucial difference between what I said and what Dollpix said is that I know Digifan and she knows me and my humor. I felt comfortable saying it because I knew she'd take it as it was meant - a minor jest. I assume that Dollpix probably wouldn't have said what she said if it wasn't for me setting the stage for that type of thing. Sorry Digi.

I always thought that I would be a good pet owner, but I'm not. I grew up having cats and dogs, but own my dogs and cat wear me down. (They're possibly even more needy than I am, and that's really, really needy.) Our friends seem to think our dogs are great, so maybe they aren't the total bastards I perceive them to be. (The dogs, not our friends. Our friends are bastards.) We had a 55 gallon aquarium with Oscars, and I liked them, but it seemed like a lot of work to keep the tank clean. They shit a lot. If they every create a fish that shits water, I'll consider getting another aquarium.
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