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Old 2009-04-22, 03:48 PM   #4
I can now put whatever you want in this space :)
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Merica!
Posts: 543
My wife is almost 40 and she wears a ponytail and likes stuffed animals. And she has a poster of a wolf in our bedroom. She does her damdest to look younger than she is too. LOL.

I try to not make judgments on visual implications as they can be too subjective. Words are a little less subjective since we have dictionaries that give them common meanings. Models portraying babysitters are often shown in the setting you describe, and they generally look 18+ and of course, they have 2257 records.

I'm of the opinion that as long as it can be proven the model is of legal age, it should be legal to use the images. If the model is portayed explicitly as under 18 (even if she is 20), I'll GTFO and never consider dealing with the site in question again. That doesnt mean I'll use such content, it means I'll not hold it against anyone that does

On a side note, I won't have anything to do with imagery involving violence or defacation.. I don't avoid it because I think its bad or sleazy, I just don't like violence and defacation. This cuts me out of lots of legitimate fetish business, but so be it. For those of you that are into fetish material, best of luck to you, but it just isnt my thing. You can have my share.
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