Thread: Swine flu?
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Old 2009-04-29, 03:27 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by stuveltje View Post
Yes i agree about the bullshit around this issue, but facted, alot of people died within a month,and fact you wont die fast from a normal flu....this one will and can kill you, it all starts with a normal flu, the same sypthomes, now its up to you to go to a doc, with the warnings from the countries, people will know it can be worser then a normal flu,my point is........alot will think it will be a normal flu, but now with the warnings . they know better, they will get a check up sooner, and again dont compair this with a normal flu, because you wont die that fast from a normal flu.
Btw and here we go with different info, the info i read is: the swine flU: consist a part of the orginal swine flu, bird flu and a human flu, now on this part i do say its hard thati have to i read that egypt is going to kill every pig in their country, even animals do carry the diseases they dont have to be sick, but in holland they did the same that time with the bird flu, on this moment to many things and info are going around on the net, but you cant get around the fact that alot of people died within a month because of that so called" 5 years around" damn flu, name me an other year this flu hit so many deaths in a short time.
Stu, this IS influenza ... technically it is Influenza Type A (H1N1) which was originally a bird strain, but birds, pigs, and humans pass the influenza virus amongst the three species very easily (which is how it has elements of all three). There are other mammal species which can contract influenza as well, but for some reason influenza virus is very well-adapted to humans, birds, and pigs in particular.

Another flu that hit hard and fast when it emerged was H5N1, usually called "the bird flu" in Asia. In 1957 H1N1 hit and was called "the Asiatic Flu" and in 1967 H3N2 hit and was called "the Hong Kong flu".

Each time a new variation emerges that the population's immune systems do not recognize, it has the potential to be a pandemic and to kill quickly ... not just the usual children, elderly, and immunocompromised but otherwise healthy young adults via a "cytokine storm" which used to be misdiagnosed as secondary pnuemonia infection.

People often shrug off and say "Oh it's just the flu" without realizing that even in this day and age, the influenza virus kills between 200,000 and 500,000 people around the world. Also, there is no such thing as "normal" flu, because Influenza is broken down into three types (A, B, and C - which does not affect humans currently) and then broken down by the chemical composition of the viral envelope (H1N1, H3N2, H5N1, etc) and then broken down further by specific DNA-typed strains which I won't bother to attempt to list because that system gets complex fast. The "short" name for this one right now is Influenza A/Mexico/2009 (H1N1) and next to no one has immunity against it (somatic hypermutation suggests there will be a very small percentage who have immunity due to random genetic luck).
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