Thread: Swine flu?
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Old 2009-04-29, 06:43 PM   #32
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Posts: 631
stu, you’re getting so manic over swine flu you’re weakening your own immune system and increasing your chances of getting it

There are people all around here battling a very bad flu. It’s bad -- people are complaining that it’s painful. Some have even said “I wanted to die” -- after they got better. But I don’t know anyone who has died from it. I don’t know if it’s swine or another strain going around, but I’m not too concerned. I fear getting the flu period. I had one bad flu five years ago and it kept be bed ridden for weeks.

The CBC reports that out of the Canadian cases no one has been hospitalized. That tells me it isn’t that bad and there is no need to start cordoning off towns and dropping nukes on them or wrapping people in bubbles and having doctors in space suits running around (although that would be pretty amazing.)

And about the politicians who are fanning panic: they’re no more brighter than we are. Plus, when nothing happens and they’re up for reelection they can always say “Remember, I saved you guys from pig flu.”

Sure, lots of people died in Mexico. This might be conjecture or ignorance on my part but there is a lot of poverty in Mexico, pollution, and any number of factors which may contribute to people being in bad condition to begin with. So any flu might be a bad flu in some places.

Anyway, I’ve got to board up some windows. I don’t want any zombies getting into the house.
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