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Old 2009-05-04, 05:30 PM   #9
Subversive filth of the hedonistic decadent West
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Just saw this today.
Consumer Reports Takes a Shine to Apple
Hitting for the cycle is a rare event in baseball, and rare as well in the pages of Consumer Reports.

So when you go three for three—as Apple has in the recent laptop computer-ratings issue—and score highly in other categories, it’s worth at least a nod.

Whether you purchase religiously at retail based on the opinions of CR tests or pooh-pooh their findings altogether—I fall into some middle ground there when it comes to electronics—an educated consumer might do well to examine the charts in the current June issue, just released.

In laptops, Apple MacBooks rated first in the 13-inch category, the 14-to 16-inch size, and the 17-inch list; Dell, Toshiba and Hewlett-Packard were also-rans. The 15-inch MacBook Pro was rated overall with a score of 75 out of 100, ahead of a 64-rated Toshiba Satellite (the Pro costs $2,000, the Toshiba $700).

Among desktops, the Mac mini finished second to an H-P Pavillion Slimline, and the iMac placed second behind a Dell XPS One.

CR surveyed its readers about computer tech support. Apple trounced the field in both desktop and laptop categories.

For shoppers on the cusp of a purchase decision, I’d suggest holding off another month or so. There’s a buzz about, detailed at Apple Insider, that price cuts may be imminent for some of their desktop (as in iMac) and portable (low-end MacBook) models.

Also, it’s a good bet that Apple will again offer a back-to-school promotion for students this summer; last year, the company gave away iPod touch models with most computer purchases. That promotion usually starts in June and runs until September.
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