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Old 2009-08-31, 07:53 PM   #13
You can now put whatever you want in this space :)
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SheepGuy, we could go on and on about this. Look, sorry you got upset. I didn't bury your links. I put some tube content at the top of the page, and moved the LL content from the bottom to a secondary page. Other than that, I haven't moved anything. Trades, both barter and otherwise, are exactly where they were before.

Luscious, I'm tired too, exhausted actually... I've appreciated your submissions, and everyone else's, over the years. I didn't hide the link to the LL content, there's a link on every page saying "More 'category name' Porn"...the amateur section has a link that says "More Amateur Porn", etc. That link is not too far below the tube content on each page. I can't ask you to continue submitting to my site...I just don't know what the future holds. If I can get that site doing really well again, and I can keep the LL as a good part of the site (which I'd really like) your submissions will always be welcome. I wouldn't be doing you, or anyone else, any favors by letting my site continue to dwindle away without trying hard to get it back into the top spots in the serps. I've been trying to get the LL back for over 3 years now to no avail. It was time to change the model somewhat.

Pagan, I plan on changing page layouts to see what works. As UW says, people want the tube content. Google is the only game in town right now. I have some top terms on Bing and it just doesn't send much. Google penalized LL's, I don't think that anyone will argue with that. I would like to get over that hump (penalty) and do some combination of tube/'s all trial and error at this point.

UW...amen. I've got the bounce rate, pages viewed, time on site all moving in a positive direction. Still trying to piece together this puzzle of what it takes to get back to good SE numbers.

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