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Old 2009-09-01, 08:32 PM   #20
You can now put whatever you want in this space :)
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Louisiana
Posts: 511
Send a message via ICQ to CaptainJSparrow can't find links here: ? Just scroll to the bottom of the page. If that's too hard for you, try to search for this: "Other Free Porn Sites We Thought You'd Like:" on that page. If you still can't find them, they're on the same place on my page that your "Check Out These Fantastic Premium Sites" is on your If you still can't find them, sorry I just can't help you. Now, if you can't find a category and find a link that says something to the effect of "More Amateur Porn" (it's bolded by the way), then again...I'm sorry for you.

Man, to my knowledge you've never submitted a site, you can't even scroll to the bottom of a page to find links...which is where most folks put links, and you're jumping into this and expressing an opinion? Jeez!

Look, it's not my fault that LL's don't do well anymore with the search engines. For years my site sent really good traffic to the submitters. Over the past 13 years I've helped out lots of good webmasters...helped them with seo, link exchanges, hooked them up with good clients, hooked them up with other good webmasters, answered questions, gave links without getting links back just to help, and the list goes on.

Now, I'm really sorry that the resident shepherd got a bit upset, I really am. That doesn't change the fact that I'm going to optimize my site to the best of my ability. If, and or, when my site goes up (it started skyrocketing up again yesterday, I might add...hopefully it's not just another test) then I will be in a position again to help folks out. At that point, hell...nuff said. UW would've flipped you off already....but I've never said a bad word about anyone on any boards for the last 13 years and I won't start now.

As Paul Harvey used to say: "Good day."
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