I'm building blogs as well, but I'm following the build and forget model.
IE, register a keyword rich domain, install wordpress, post 11 posts immediately (I outsource the blog post text, 100-120 words, I've used Jester-X in the past as well, he does a great job!), then configure a post rotator plugin to rotate the oldest post to the newest one every 18-20 days.
Then I move on to the next blog.
I've got 51 blogs now... doing just under 800 unique clicks to my sponsors daily, and it's growing.
Do the math. 1 blog that receives 100 unique visitors, and has a 25% CTR = 25 unique clicks to the sponsor per day.
40 blogs = 1000 unique clicks to the sponsor
a 1:1000 ratio means you should be getting 1 sale per day from 40 "aged" blogs (blogs that are 6 months old).
With my blogs, most are getting a 35-50% CTR, and traffic varies from blog to blog, some are getting 150 uniques per day, others just 30. But my blogs are all less than 3 months old.
I made the mistake of doing 1 blog for 1 sponsor, and another blog for another sponsor. Now I build 6-10 blogs pushing a single sponsor, then move onto the next batch of blogs.