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Old 2010-04-25, 12:12 PM   #1
Internet! Is that thing still around?
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 1
POTD Gallery Script?

Hi everyone & thanks in advance for any suggestions!

I'm putting together a new portal (as if there isn't enough out there already, lol) and I'm looking for a particular type of script. Essentially, through all my affiliate partnerships, I have access to tons of POTDs. I'd like to display them in a gallery format, but every "usual" gallery script I've looked into hasn't been able to do it the way I'd like to for one reason or another. Either I'm not able to import externally hosted thumbs, or I can't open the link in a new window, etc. So, here's what I'm looking for...

- uses externally hosted thumbs
- ability to specify how many thumbs are shown on each page
- ability to open links in new window/tab

not required: (but would be nice)
- lists thumbs by either visitor rank or number of clicks, otherwise displays the thumbs randomly through the page(s) so that they all get equal exposure
- clicking on thumb opens the full size image/page in a dynamic "window" (using ajax possibly?) and then clicked content in that window in turn open an actual new window or tab (my thought is so that the visitor doesn't have to go through opening a whole new window for every image, but yet if they decide to browse a site further i wont lose them from my site)

Again, thanks for any suggestions!
webmaster [at] cum-n-go [dot] com
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