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Old 2010-06-17, 12:52 PM   #1
"Without evil there can be no good, so it must be good to be evil sometimes" ~ Satan
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Motor City, baby, where carjacking was invented! Now GIMME THOSE SHOES!
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Lightbulb /wave

Hey everyone, just stopping by to give a shout out to those of you who might remember me

As a few of you know, I ended up getting completely buried by my mainstream company and had to give up on Fetish Philes (which I'm sure everyone knows). I actually went in a few weeks ago to evaluate the disaster and it's beyond salvation with the limited time I have available, even though the SEs are still feeding it pretty well.

Anyway, the mainstream company is as under control as it's going to be and I'm stepping back into serious webmastering with a new plan and focus and will be getting back to freesites in the the next couple months.

These days I have my first erotic novel in the bag and I'm looking for an agent to represent it while I start focusing on erotica traffic. I've got a new erotica blog in the works that puts a twist on the model, and I'll be hitting things hard on that once it's ready to launch. Spam will be filed appropriately when the time comes

I'd love to catch up with anyone who's inclined to, and it's great to see that the board is still going strong. I always tried to be a stand-up guy to the best of my abilities, but I've been away for so long I wouldn't be shocked to get the door slammed in my face. I hope everyone's doing well

Anyone who wants to call me names, feel free...I can take it.


NOW I can take it.
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