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Old 2010-08-21, 04:33 PM   #38
Rock stars ... is there anything they don't know?
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: suburbia
Posts: 12
Sad to say blogging has now become a business...

I don't automate and have quite a few blogs...

I'd love to find the time to go back to the old days - with 300 to 500 words per post...

Whilst 99.9% of my blogs are handwritten - the writing is 15 to 25 one line pic captions...

It might give me a slight edge over the splogs and sploggers - but the sheer volume of bollox blogs on the net mean half decent blogs get snowed under...

So I just filter my traffic around my own network - anything else is a bonus...

As to real blogging - the closest I've come recently is updating my pet dog blog lol and maybe writing complete shit in a mainstream sales blog...

I have a couple of domains - one being a rant style - that might get my writing juices flowing - but quite honestly by the time I've written "this babes tits are hot" a hundred different ways in a morning writing is the last thing I want to do lol...

Holy fuck I've become a human splogger ha ha...
Got Babe..?
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