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Old 2010-11-08, 08:38 PM   #18
bang bang
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Hello night. What a day. Things are just crazy right now. Been helping out still a ton with a friends business. Which has been some nice coin to make up some ground on some things. Other than that I'm doing a bunch of blog stuff and not enough submitting. This week I need to push some out the door. So probably will burn a little of the midnight oil tonight to get to some of that and then submit early tomorrow.

Had a wild weekend and got just destroyed at some beach bars up north in newport. Ugh. I was twisted when I got up Sunday morning. I'm wondering if at some point I was given something. Cause only have a felt that way back in the day recovering from more than just beer. Once the Charger game started though I perked up a little. Then another block punt happened and I was went into shock until they at least marched down and scored. Serious issues on special teams. Complete fail.

Hope everyone had a good one. I'm gonna go run some errands and then plant myself back in front of the computer for some more fun.
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