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Old 2011-08-08, 05:01 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by TB Adriana View Post
I saw the trailer too, and already have it on my list of movies.

But this is not a sequel to Planet of the Apes, it is a totally new thing, no? from the trailer it seems so
It is more like a prequel to the original movie. After the original movie, there were several sequels which explored how apes got to be in control of Earth. Stories of time travel, nuclear holocaust, that type thing.

This new movie is a new story, rather than a remake, but uses the original movie to set up a story line which appears to be the first in a series leading up to an ape-controlled Earth.

I thought the idea of testing an Alzheimer’s cure on apes leading to increased brain function was brilliant. So much better than old story line, which really got stupid after several sequels. Of course nothing can compare to Charleston Heston saying 'damn dirty apes', but all the new technology takes it in a better direction. (I'm a little surprised it wasn't released in 3D)

It was really well done, I thought. I've heard a lot of people remark how silly it seems, apes taking over the world, but it really captures the imagination.
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