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Old 2013-03-19, 12:28 PM   #8
That which does not kill us, will try, try again.
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Good morning world

I'll pass along some advice just in case anyone doesn't already know this is a bad idea.

Sunday I had the worst bout of constipation I've ever experienced. Actually haven't really had anything like that happen for many years, and not sure why it happened. But it was accompanied by growling bowels that were screaming their demand for an exit to be made available.

So I tried a big dose of Milk of Magnesia (laxative). Then, since my guttural vocalizing while sitting without reward on the commode was becoming loud and no exit was forthcoming, I tried a second dose. Then later a third one. Finally some relief was attained and since I didn't want to go through that again I combined one more dose of laxative with snacking on a good amount of chocolate, a natural laxative, along with plenty of fiber.

To make a long story shorter, this is now the third day when I don't dare stray far from my home and my bathroom. The constipation problem is long gone, having been replaced with it's polar opposite.

My plans for today are subject to change, but when not using a tray table as a desk in the bathroom I hope to spend some time working at my real desk too.

Wishing a better day than this to all.

"If you're happy and you know it, think again." -- Guru Pitka
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