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Old 2013-08-20, 07:27 AM   #1
Well you know boys, a nuclear reactor is a lot like women. You just have to read the manual and press the right button
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 157
What would you be willing to sell your bread and butter site for?

Here's a hypothetical question to all on this board, it's the only board I ever really cared about, the folks here are my kind of people and basically I'm a hermit.

Let's say you have a website (adult or mainstream, doesn't really matter - except, well I guess it does.) Let's say you have a mainstream website which is currently providing you the bulk of your income. Without it, you'd have to be flipping burgers or something in order to keep a roof over your head and food on the table.

What price would you be willing to sell that site for, if, for example it averages $10,000 USD a month over a 12 month period.

Some vague details:

1) Due to reasons I won't go into detail, the site has been online for over 10 years, is trusted by Google and is generating more customers/making more and more money each month with very little input. In fact, truthfully, I have a lot of issues and barely even look at the site.

2) Most buyers want to make their investment back as quickly as possible (obviously). When this kind of website is a commission for life kind of deal, not a monthly recurring revenue thing that most of us are familiar with, makes each and every client that much more valuable IMO.

Therefore, the majority of the income is coming from clients that are already affiliated with the website. This may or may not be part of the sale, of course, the price would be much higher if the customer base was included.

How much would you be willing to sell such a website for? X month revenue? How much would a buyer be willing to budge, knowing that with minimal effort, $10k a month could be increased to a much, much higher amount.

This is all hypothetical of course, but I am very interested in any responses.
To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems
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