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Old 2014-05-31, 07:54 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Useless Warrior View Post
but a single unverified complaint does not make them a bad host.
I agree, but what does that have to do with the price of beef ("price isn't everything. A cheap server is no good if......").

Originally Posted by dantheman View Post
There's a reason why no one in the hosting biz has a 100% uptime. it's not possible
I did not say it was. I said "you need as near as humanly possible to a 100% uptime".

Incidentally, PR wise, in a case like this you should not be relying on people like Useless Warrior and HC-Majick to post "unsolicited" testimonials (particularly since the fact that one of them has not posted since last year, makes the post look decidedly "solicited"). What you should have done, as soon as you had fixed Ms Naughty's problem, was look into why you never received her support ticket, fix that problem then come back here and post, saying what the fault was, how you have fixed it, how you have insured that it will never happen again, and be very contrite and apologetic. (NB "how and what", don't just say "it is fixed it won't happen again" otherwise many people won't believe you).

Simple rule of PR: Even if you are at fault, a genuine mea culpa*, apology and evidence of a fix will usually gain you more customers than the original fault lost you. But whatever the cause of the initial problem, however unavoidable, a simple "no one's perfect, we do our best, so there" with no mea culpa, or worse, with no apology will loose you clients. And being backed up by a testimonial from someone who has left the board and appears to have returned only because you poked them into giving a testimonial makes things worse.

There are reasons why, whatever business you are in, whatever skills you need for that business, the first course you take if you want to succeed is a course in "PR", and the second is a course on "how to be humble".

* mea culpa - admitting to being at fault as a preface to an apology

Last edited by ecchi; 2014-05-31 at 07:57 AM.. Reason: typo ("an" replaced with "and")
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