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Old 2016-01-07, 12:31 PM   #67
CD Smith
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For those who feel they are out of the running for the top prizes remember: there are two other prizes that may still be within your reach....
Superbowl Prize: $100 prize for the person who predicts the Superbowl game correctly. If you have made your predictions every week for the entire season and you end up at the top of the Superbowl scoresheet posted after the game, you win.
* If the top person does not qualify then it falls to the next eligible player down the list.

The Worst Picker Prize: $200 prize for the person ending up with the lowest score of the entire season+playoffs. The winner must have made all of his/her picks for the year to qualify. Thus, the first person at the bottom who has made all of their picks who ends up with the lowest overall score wins this highly coveted award.

Let me clarify so there's no confusion --- For the Superbowl prize you are eligible if you've submitted picks each and every week for the entire season plus playoffs. YOU CAN have missed picks on certain games though.

For the worst picker prize --- you must have made all of your picks, every game, every week, for the entire season plus playoffs.

The first person in the standings who is fully eligible to win will be the one selected for each of these prizes.

Good luck in Wildcard weekend everyone. Remember in the playoffs there are often Saturday games so get your picks in on time.

ICQ: 31024634
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