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Old 2016-06-01, 07:42 PM   #3
Perverted Empress
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Join Date: Feb 2005
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Hmmm.. more dusting and cleaning. I am about 50% done for what I had wanted to do. So, for June...

1. Finish reviewing the master database for the network.
2. Recategorize existing submits to fill the newer categories.
3. Launch new list once cleanup/recategorizing is done.
4. Facelift time for Rear Entry Lovers
5. Ads on appropriate pages.
6. Get blog network going again.
7. If I get done in time, I do have some older sites that need a refresher or two, more along the lines of recutting the thumbs or refreshing the ads. Some are from dead sponsors - those need to be replaced with new stuff.
8. Work on rebuilding hard links. Like Ecchi, I had bunches that no longer have a recip at the other end. Those are now gone, but I do have room for new ones.
9. Get back to building galleries and freesites. Not all sponsors do that anymore, but they do have embedded videos to use.

Long list, but... I should be able to put a good dent in it.
So, who sprinkled all that Bitchy dust?
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