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Old 2017-09-20, 01:28 PM   #8
Life is good
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Originally Posted by JustRobert View Post

If you are friends on Facebook with my wife or myself PLEASE DO NOT say anything on Facebook, Thank You!

Greenie knows, but here is for the rest of you but mostly it's for me to get off my chest.

Yesterday morning was the follow up for my wife and It Is Breast Cancer. Even though I knew this in my gut it still felt like I got punched so can't imagine how my wife really feels. I put on the strong face yesterday while my wife cried and we discussed things but today I think I'll give myself a moment to cry since she is going into work.

It's an aggressive cancer BUT it was caught early and is very much treatable, curable and survivable. This was repeated by the doctor repeatedly so those are the words we use a lot since then. They got us in for an MRI yesterday afternoon for a better look and since there is no history of cancer in her bloodline we will do a genetic testing. Depending on results it could be an easy lumpectomy or double mastectomy, kinda of no middle ground at this moment. Of course this is all after chemo. Will not know anything more until the Monday appointment with the oncologist. Then a week later it's with the surgeon. I'll mention things as I know.

Sooo, expect my head to be in a fog more than normal for a bit. I'll continue to work on biz stuff here at home. No traveling out of state for biz unless absolutely necessary. I even subbed some galleries today where one was with India Summer which made me chuckle when seeing the title of this thread.

Wishing everyone a better day!
So sorry to hear this Robert. All I can say is all the best to you both
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