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Old 2017-09-30, 11:23 AM   #5
Perverted Empress
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Originally Posted by jollyhumper View Post

It's a nice day, here.
Big demonstration in Gothenburg today, that's in Sweden, but not that far away from here. Nazi's having a demonstration (which they have a permit for(freedom of speech)) but the whole thing is almost out of hand due to a massive counter-demonstration. It sounds like the police made a mistake, some sort of trusting the counter-demonstration to behave. Since they left the area to support police closer to the demonstration itself.
So, it looks like the Nazi's are about to be escorted out with bus, without being able to fulfill the demonstration.
Hope it is so, then 'we've' won.
Man, I hate nazis...
Here's an English language news report on the goings on in Gothenburg. Wild wild city. From what I see, all of the people arrested, detained, and kicked out of Sweden have been foreign nationals.

Nordic Resistance Movement has been somewhat stopped here in Finland after one of their allied members was convicted of injuring a man that led to his death a short time later. The police are trying to get them outlawed as a violent racist group. Hopefully, the violence settles down.

It starts getting cooler this week -- into the upper 30s at night. Most of the crops are in, so it looks like Winter is not far off. Our home is nice and cozy so far. I still have about 10 days of fun and games here, then I can count on getting back to some serious work. Last night, we got most of my new work-room cleared, and ready for me to move my computer into. It just means I can be a bit more focused on what I am doing instead of always being distracted. I can't wait...
So, who sprinkled all that Bitchy dust?
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