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Old 2017-10-01, 09:49 AM   #2
Perverted Empress
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Join Date: Feb 2005
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Our first frost hasn't arrived yet, but it isn't that far off. Temps are going down just a little each day.

We have company arriving tomorrow, so I have baking and cleaning to do today. Husband will do the floors fortunately for me. I am now in my workroom, and it is lovely. I don't look out over the fields anymore, but I have a lovely row of birch trees that do a lovely dance in the breeze for me. Other than that, I look out over our driveway and workshop area. Not as neat a view, I know. My laptop is at the desk in the living room, so I can switch over there when the mood strikes. No TV here yet, but then, we don't have a huge choice in channels so it doesn't really matter. Nice to have my own little nook again. Can't leave it messy until after Monday... sigh.

Back to work for a while for me...
So, who sprinkled all that Bitchy dust?
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