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Old 2017-11-30, 11:23 AM   #9
Bow Ties Are Cool
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Good Morning

Greenie, we here liked stranger things and just like you daughter said The 100 was good but with 60 episodes I need to clear a few other things out of my queue with less episodes.

Guess I'm going shopping and to the movies today since my wife made plans before I even got up. Tomorrow a family member is showing up in the afternoon and we're taking them out for dinner and a movie. This is followed by a trip to the Catalina on Saturday that I thought they were just going but Noooo, I'm suppose to go to that and then Sunday the kids are coming over for a get together before I have to take them to the airport. Seriously, it's like I don't have other things to work on. Yes, I'm venting

Enjoy your Thursday!
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