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Old 2018-05-19, 11:39 AM   #3
Bow Ties Are Cool
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As someone who has run a pic post network and have used tgpx I would say it depends on how you want YOUR pic post site to operate.

First, it does not matter what the url is!
This means whether the thumb is linked to a gallery, pic page (pic on an html page), straight to a larger picture or directly to a sponsor they are all a url of your choice.

If the page is going to be a random pull with no care of the order they are listed than tgpx can handle this.

BUT, if you want a specific order this may be an issue depending of the parameters.

If you want your big thumbs to point directly to a sponsor url and want them in a specific order then it may be easier to set up a multiple POTD (picture of the day) type page then dealing with tgpx.

Good Luck

I will say I lost my custom script for the pic post network and I've considered putting it under tgpx but with close to 300,000 pic pages I just don't have the time or the money to hire a crew to add them all in.
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