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Old 2018-07-29, 07:47 AM   #1
Perverted Empress
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Sleepy Sunday July 29th (aka Pagan's Shy About Starting The Daily Thread)

Dodging thunderstorms here for the next couple of days. So far, we have not had to shut down yet. Had a good morning of grunt work too, with more to come before we have to shut down.

I moved my gay TGP to a new server install on my other account with my host. I was running out of space because I do also make galleries on that domain. Plus, TGPx was balking at the number of categories and pages. Shemaie is in progress right now. The framework is there. I just have to handshake everything in the new location, then I can move the domain name.

Yesterday, I had gotten to the point where I could delete the old stuff off of the main TGPx server. What I did was an export of the galleries with their thumbnails, then I ran the scanner to put all of those thumbs onto the new server. I happily went back to the old server, and deleted the categories and pages I no longer needed... and lost about half the thumbnails. Yep. Even though I had run the scanner, the thumbs were not updated to the new address. So, if I had a gallery in Massage, and it was only in Massage, it was deleted from the main server. When that happened, it also deleted the linked thumbnail. What a scramble last night.

At least with the shemale TGP I am wise to sneaky TGPx tricks. I am fixing its little wagon as I place everything in its new home. Guess I had better get back to the salt mine...
So, who sprinkled all that Bitchy dust?
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