Thread: Happy Thursday
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Old 2020-11-20, 02:43 PM   #9
Perverted Empress
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Astigmatism is actually a pretty common condition. The eye doesn't focus light evenly on the retina. Sometimes it is because the eyeball isn't perfectly shaped, or the cornea isn't curved just right. Mine has been treated since I was a kid with glasses and I have just had to have the lenses changed every few years. They do warn that the cataract surgery can make the astimatism worse, so this is actually expected. The glasses I wear now were prescribed about 5 weeks post-op, and that is likely way too soon for the eye to heal. I'm not stressing over it, but I have gone back to shorter stints at the computer which is what seems to bother me more.

Jolly, I would see a different eye doctor for a 2nd opinion. It could well be the sign of something starting, or just plain fatigue. There may be eye drops that can be prescribed to help when it happens. Of course, it wouldn't happen if you weren't looking at so much porn......
So, who sprinkled all that Bitchy dust?
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