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Old 2022-12-13, 09:26 AM   #7
Perverted Empress
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Originally Posted by jollyhumper View Post

It's cold and the problem with that is the energy-prizes. Our genius politicians have made it so, that the energy *we* produce, with *our* own resources is being sold to an European hub of some sort, and then we have to buy it back with insane prices.
It costs like a few cents to produce 1Kw, and currently I'm paying almost a dollar!!! pr Kw!
So I can't afford to heat up my apartment, and I am sitting here with only the light from the screens and a few candles.
The prices are extra bad this week since some Swedish nuclear plants are down for maintenance. I bet you can't see any logic in that, cause there aren't any.

Is the same madness a problem in Finland too?

It's a bit different in the EU. I know we get some electricity from Sweden, but we produce much of our own. We used to get some from Russia but stopped that last spring. The cost of fuel has jumped, so prices increased a bit. We have a new nuclear plant that is supposed to finally be online, but they are still having problems with it. Once that kicks in, our electricity will go down again. We have seen about a 30% increase, though some people have seen 100%. Next month, they are reducing our VAT down from 24% to 10%, so that will be nice. I don't know of anyone who can't pay their heating bills. We have offices in every municipality that help with the bills before it gets to that point because having heat is a health issue here. The Husband and I have always used wood fires to heat our homes, so it doesn't really impact us much. (We stocked way up on wood before the prices went skyhigh.) Our place is about 80 square meters, and we normally spend about 75 Euros (close to dollars) per month. This month it was just over 100 with all charges included. Still not bad.
So, who sprinkled all that Bitchy dust?
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