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Old 2009-03-11, 06:33 PM   #1
Ahhh ... sweet pity. Where would my love life be without it?
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Denmark(Europe)
Posts: 205
My Story - Might help others open their eyes

Hi All,

I feel like telling you the story of my come back here in this business, quite a few things has happened to me the last year.

I am really enjoying being back in the business, everybody has been more than friendly here on this board. And I have a firm belief that I will make it back to a level where I will be able to do this full time permanently.

I've been working 2 1/2 years in a low cost airline here in Scandinavia and worked my ass off working day and nights for long periods, but you really come to realize that you will never get back the time you spend on working, and it's rare that someone gives you the recognition that you deserve slaving your ass off - and that never changes you'll always be a slave. I had a good boss and good colleagues though and the stewardesses was hot as hell, and the pay wasn't bad - but that is nothing compared to making your own living. The Airline went bankrupt in November and I was without a job and of cause they went bankrupt the day before we were paid! But then I have withdrawn my pension and we have a security net here in Denmark where the state pays you if the company where you work goes bankrupt, that includes pay in the severence period. So I now have enough money to concentrate 100% on my own business until at least August, and I don't need to drive 300 km a day to get back and forth to work.

So the consequences of this job was also that my wife and I got so badly out of sync that we're getting a divorce(but parting as friends), I hardly had time to spend any real quality time with my two kids, I was stressed and could not sleep, always worrying about tasks at work. I was grumpy, short tempered and a real bastard to my wife. Hardly ever went to visit the family or my friends, I just couldn't set the time a side for it, when I had a day off I just did nothing - totally burned out! No amount of money is worth all that!

I don't know why I am writing this, may be because loosing my job that I've spend all my time on the last two+ years has been a real eye opener to me! May be it'll be an eye opener to others as well...

Being my own boss I only need to worry about if I have money enough to pay the rent and get some food - if everything fails(which I'm quite sure it won't) I can always get a couple of freelance jobs here and there and still survive and live properly.

Kind regards
- To a new beginning!
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