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Old 2019-02-28, 01:17 PM   #7
That's what she said
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Lazy'ing today. I had my first session at my physio on monday and she used some machine to kinda massage my legs (which is a problem-area). My body have been aching since and I've felt kinda strange in most of my body. Can ofcourse be unrelated, but I've had strong reaction to massages before. (No not that type). My ex-wife was an aromatherapist and she sometimes gave me a session and I had often strong reactions.
But this is weird.

So, as I said. Lazying. I'm also hunting down almost 2000$ dollars that turns out to have been paid out to wrong account. Only half of that has been called for from my landlord, who misses them of course, which means I have 1000$ not accounted for.
Cool. It turns out it has been paid to a doctor, so I guess it will be not to much fuzz to get it back.

Have a great day
Jolly - who's having an emoticon-free day ...
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