Thread: Accept blogs?
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Old 2018-04-28, 08:22 AM   #10
Perverted Empress
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Originally Posted by Nickname View Post
A question though is how that is a different to a freesite? As long as the blog has sufficient content etc. Not that I'd just set them up and leave them but you catch my drift

Anyone has a updated list of LL's that still list freesites btw?
Freesites have no date as part of the text for one thing. Second big thing - nobody, but nobody, is building classic free sites anymore. It is all about the number of clicks to get to the content. Think about it from your visitor's viewpoint. I am looking for porn. If I go to a freesite, I have a index page plus a menu page to click on before I can get to the pages of pictures or movies. They have already had to click at least one other page to find you.

Galleries, on the other hand are single pages. From the Link list, your visitor has just one single click to get to what he wants.

There are LLs around that do list freesites, but as to making a list, we do like to leave something to the webmasters. In my network, I have 1 general link list and one niche link list that accept just about everything. The rest - some 14 sites - are galleries only.
So, who sprinkled all that Bitchy dust?
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