Thread: Words Hurt
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Old 2019-02-21, 01:18 PM   #1
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Words Hurt

(I couldn't think of a better title.)

I have been reading and listening to a lot of things about "cancel culture" and "outrage culture," and what I have learned is that people are no longer allowed to grow or have a change of opinion, and that apologies are bloody pointless.

Look at the reaction to Liam Neeson's confession about his long-ago (temporary) feelings towards black men after his friend was raped. He expressed disgust about his feelings and can't even imagine feeling that way, but these fucking kids today tear him apart. Wait - the man admits to feeling one way a long time ago, states that it's wrong, and NOW, even though it never effected a single goddamn person, he should be destroyed?

Comedians, obviously, have been targeted very heavily due to their offensive jokes. Offensive jokes are like peanut butter. They may make you sick, but I can eat them all day. There are comedians I enjoy who sometimes say shit I don't like, but I don't think they need to be homeless for upsetting my delicate nature. And why the FUCK should a comic be torn apart today for jokes that were fine years ago? Culture changes and people change. People fucking grow. Sarah Silverman (sexy jew!) used to use the word 'faggot' and even defended the use of it. Now, she thinks it's terrible. Is she to be marched naked through the streets? Yes, but only because she's sexy - not because of past material.

I can't remember where, but I read a comment about how liberals, and I am one, believe that murderers should be rehabilitated, but people who say hurtful words should be publicly lynched.

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