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Old 2014-07-12, 10:13 PM   #19
Internet! Is that thing still around?
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Originally Posted by Greenguy View Post
I honestly have no idea what's going on with my body as far as this sleep apnea crap. The new med they gave me did nothing & there was a leak on the machine during the week long at-home test I did, so I'm almost back to.....
Hey man,
Just got around to poking my head in here, but I will say this. I don't know you, but I've 'known' you since 1998 (yup) and been following your stuff ever since.

With that said, I just read about this thing with you and had to chime in. I had a terrible problem too. And I went through well over 5 years of it, and after spending $1000s upon $1000s on every test, sleep doctor, Western doctor, Eastern doctor, etc. It came down to this:

If and whenever this started, were you on any long term antibiotics (for whatever reason?) And this means a run lasting longer than 2-3 weeks of high doses? Because that's what it was with me. It was a severe fungal infection caused be massive doses of the antibiotics (some are worse than others). In fact, some of the readers may have already heard about or know about Candida. A very fucked up situation for men. In fact, ---> ALSO: if you've been a chick for any length of time who has/had chronic yeast infections, you can get it that way too. This is common knowledge that is widely known, and has been written about in Playboy, Penthouse, yada, yada. Men get these yeast infections big time, and the symptoms are many.

Once I got the fungal/yeast infection eliminated (it had gone systemic by then), my sleep/insomnia/apnea slowly went away after some weeks..

Just my 2 cents.

Hope you get better man.

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