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Old 2016-06-15, 03:47 AM   #5
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In Britain it is hard to get a gun licence. In some professions you need a gun (e.g. a farmer really needs a shotgun) but you have to go through all sorts of tests both background tests (are you a criminal) and psychiatric tests (are you mad) before they will give you the licence even if your job requires one. Some years beck a friend was talking about what he would do if he won the lottery, his plans included setting up a nuclear survival bunker in case the balloon goes up. I asked him if I would get a place in his bunker if nuclear war did start and his reply was that I was high on his list simply because we would need guns, and I was the only person he knew who was sane and did not have a criminal record, so the only person he knew who could get a gun licence!
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