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Old 2015-10-13, 01:35 PM   #3
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Ecchi is in trouble - he just got an email from his sister tactfully reminding him that he had forgotten his niece's birthday.

Puppy News

The husky was on a mission today. No idea what, but he was definitely on a mission.

When we went walkies, he pulled me along. He was moving fast, not "stop, sniff, urinate" like dogs usually walk, but "hurry up, let's get there quickly." He chose the route, which was all pavement walking, and most of it along roads I am sure he has never walked before. He was determined, with a goal in mind.

After about four miles he hit a snag. He wanted to cross where two roads ran parallel, one an approach ramp to an underpass. Obviously the ramp part was fenced off, so he could not get across.

He tried circling round, he tried alternate routes to the same place, but none made the fence disappear. None of this put him off, he kept trying to find was to get onto (or possibly across) the approach ramp, until eventually I called a halt to this and we went home.

I never found out where he was heading so determinedly! He has been pining for his humans, so my best guess is that he had a dream in the night that they were in a certain place that they often go with him, and he was trying to follow the route they normally go to get there by car, on foot. But I have no idea where "there" was.

The puppy on the other hand is content to run round the lounge with a squeaky toy in his mouth. Provided I chase him and vainly try to get the squeaky toy from him!

Both are currently desperately trying to tell me it is half past dinner time, so I'd better go and feed them before they get nasty!
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