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Old 2014-05-28, 04:11 PM   #33
CD Smith
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Winnipeg, MB, Canada
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I can so relate to most of what you're going through. My own back is quite honestly truely fucked, to put it bluntly. Osteo-arthritis, herniated discs, pinched nerves, sciatica, etc etc. And it's only going to get worse. I'm currently on the facet block infiltration train, meaning I've been getting twelve giant horse needles in my lower back every 3 months for the past year, and for the forseeable future as well. They're working to a degree to control pain and inflamation but do nothing for the sciatica which tends to deaden my left leg right down to the foot if I walk or stand around too much.

So sitting, writing and webmastering etc, in my ergonomic chair of course, is pretty much all I can do.

I take the 750 mg Naproxens (24 hr slow-release) as needed, but can't take the sleeping pills I was given, the side effects are just too much for me. So on the sleep front I just have to struggle to keep in on track as best I can.

So I can sort of relate on what you're going through GG, at least some of it. You've always struck me as a pretty together fellow though, very dedicated to your long-time site and to this forum. Apply some of that dedication to yourself now and I have no doubt you'll come out of this ordeal better and stronger than before.

All the best to you.

ICQ: 31024634
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