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Old 2006-08-23, 11:08 PM   #17
Internet! Is that thing still around?
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 4
why does the 1200 rule apply to movie images?

Hi greenguy and jim,

Im totally new to link lists, a week ago I thought they were called FGP's because they'd be freesite gallery pages lol.

I submitted this freesite and it was rejected

it was rejected for the "1200" rule.
Now I can understand why you'd have that rule for images, but why would you have it for movie stills?
That makes no sense.

lets look at one of the galleries:

those images are BIG, and pretty standard across the industry.
if you made them 700pixels on one side and 525 pixels on the other side they'd be WAY too big and too blurry, as most video slips dong go that size.

so I could submit galelries that size to you, but they would be blurry and would suck and your surfers would be like "this is garbage"

or I could submit galleries that are normal, that your surfers would enjoy.
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