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Old 2005-05-29, 10:50 AM   #22
I'm going to the backseat of my car with the woman I love, and I won't be back for TEN MINUTES
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Join Date: May 2004
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Originally Posted by Mr. Blue
Wouldn't U.S. Sponsors have to make their affiliates be 2257 compliant even if the person is outside the U.S.?
I am not a lawyer. Laymans opinion:

If the US gun manufacturers cannot be held responsible for the use of their product if it is sold legally, how can an adult sponsor be held liable for someone not following 2257 rules properly?

How can you tell if someone is following the rules? Is the sponsor supposed to periodically show up and check an affiliates records?

Not likely.

I would be truly interested to see the US Justice Dept trying to prosecute an EU webmaster for not following the US laws.

Remember folks...the US is NOT a World Government (despite what W thinks). Just cause we say it's illegal, doesn't mean a damn thing to someone outside the country who isn't a US citizen.

If the US could go after non-citizens outside of the country, they would have nailed Amsterdam for pot sales and bestiality porn. Germany's S&M salons would be shut down.

They only way to hit a non-US citizen is to freeze acoounts in the USA. So, unless you have a bank account in the US, I don't see how they can touch anyone but US citizens.
gender enigma relaunching July 17. 2009...ish
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