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Old 2016-01-26, 06:05 AM   #1
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Google Can Roll Itself Into A Fat Tube, Cover Itself In Sharp Spikes, And Ram Itself Up Its Own Ass !

OK, I sell website advertising so am well aware that sometimes you have to refuse adverts because you don't feel the product or website being advertised is suitable. So I have no problem whatsoever with the fact that Google refused to advertise my site on the grounds that it was not suitable.


They did not just refuse to advertise my site, they demanded I corrected my site and reapplied. Not corrected the advert, but actually changed my site (the site is one big advert for my product, they demanded I change it to a site of information and advice on advertising with small adverts for my product). They told me that I MUST do this, simply withdrawing my application to advertise on AdWords was not enough, if I did not change my website and re-apply they would block my account!

It is none of their bloody business how I run my website. If they don't like it they can refuse the advert, but to demand I change my website?

And they are Google. A less experienced webmaster will assume (as the email tried to infer without actually stating) that not changing your website and re-applying to advertise would cost you your listing on Google.

Most unimpressed, most angry, and most ready to give evidence at any anti-trust hearing any world government (or the EU) wish me to appear at!
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