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Verbal 2005-10-12 02:43 PM

2257 for all films with love scenes?
Pretty fucked up... they now want every Hollywood movie with a simulated sex scene to be 2257 compliant.


tickler 2005-10-12 03:00 PM

Another blurb from British paper.,00.html

The "actual" sex exclusion was originally to keep Hollywood exempt.

Tommy 2005-10-12 03:13 PM

I was hoping hollywood would sit up and take notice

this will be a good thing for the adult industry

and when regular people see that the goverment jesus freaks are trying to censor even pg rated movies
it will only help our argument that the goverment has and is going to far

Verbal 2005-10-12 03:42 PM

I wonder if they'll need to get 2257 docs for the scene in Austin Powers where Mini-Me dry humps the missle.

Gotta protect the kids! |goodidea

SirMoby 2005-10-12 03:52 PM

This has passed one branch of our government weeks ago and still no one is jumping up and down. The FSC still looks like the only ones fighting this.

Tommy 2005-10-12 04:00 PM

no forgin preformers

the titanic would be classified as a porno film
so would swordfish and thousands of toher movies

hollywood might be willing to cut the nudity from new films but they cant do anything about the ones allready out there

SirMoby 2005-10-12 04:19 PM

Tommy, answer my email and congrats.

Tommy 2005-10-12 04:31 PM

I dont have any emails from you

koolkat 2005-10-12 06:16 PM

So... does this mean that every single video store is going to have to keep the 2257 compliancy documents, since they would then become distributors just like with the adult industry.

This is a perfect example of Big Brother in action! Why did the Pilgrims come to the new continent of America? To escape the religious prosecution of the government! Gee... look what we are headed back to!

Useless 2005-10-12 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by koolkat
Why did the Pilgrims come to the new continent of America? To escape the religious prosecution of the government!

Yes, but they were being persecuted because they were puritanical nutjobs. The Europeans were glad to see them go.

I'm going to start keeping 2257 records for all of my sex scenes. I'll only need my ID and the receipt for a bottle of hand cream. ;)

Tommy 2005-10-12 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by koolkat
So... does this mean that every single video store is going to have to keep the 2257 compliancy documents, since they would then become distributors just like with the adult industry.

the way I read it

yes, every little mom and pop video store and online retailer is gonna have to have a copy of Halle Berrys drivers license for her nude scene in swordfish

that could be 20 or maybe 30 thousand people in the usa will have to have a copy of her drivers license on file

koolkat 2005-10-12 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by Useless Warrior
Yes, but they were being persecuted because they were puritanical nutjobs. The Europeans were glad to see them go.

I'm going to start keeping 2257 records for all of my sex scenes. I'll only need my ID and the receipt for a bottle of hand cream. ;)

Yeah... but the other little details don't help my case! Work with me here UW!


Originally Posted by Tommy
the way I read it

yes, every little mom and pop video store and online retailer is gonna have to have a copy of Halle Berrys drivers license for her nude scene in swordfish

that could be 20 or maybe 30 thousand people in the usa will have to have a copy of her drivers license on file

How many employees does Blockbuster employ at their store. How many people would have access to these records? |shocking|

plateman 2005-10-12 09:35 PM

there fuckin crazy and if it passes - it will be one hell of a uprising - we all hope

SirMoby 2005-10-12 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Tommy
I dont have any emails from you

Check now. Came from my personal account that uses my first name and not my handle

SirMoby 2005-10-12 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by plateman
there fuckin crazy and if it passes - it will be one hell of a uprising - we all hope

It is part of the "Child Protection Act". That's 3 words and far more then a typical voter cares to read. Instead they will watch Fox News and and be told that people are fighting against an act to protect children and never bother to read or understand what is really happening.

babymaker 2005-10-12 10:31 PM

this is great tho overall since hollywood will kick in their lawyers and fuck AG up his bitch ass :D wonder what they will do with the remake in the 90's of ****** hehehe :) that ought to raise some eyebrows

wow fuck i got censored lol...the board killed the L word i was reffering to the movie in the 90's if anyone is worried lol not promoting a site :)

Thumbler 2005-10-12 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Tommy
the titanic would be classified as a porno film

That would be just absolutely ridiculous.

Mefo 2005-10-13 04:22 AM

lol most of the films have fake sex scenes in them especially the comedies

Mefo 2005-10-13 04:23 AM

btw I'm glad it's illegal over here in Europe to give out ID's to 3rd parties

lassiter 2005-10-13 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Thumbler
That would be just absolutely ridiculous.

Sure, but that never stopped 'em before.

plateman 2005-10-13 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by SirMoby
It is part of the "Child Protection Act". That's 3 words and far more then a typical voter cares to read. Instead they will watch Fox News and and be told that people are fighting against an act to protect children and never bother to read or understand what is really happening.

I know but just maybe hollywood and the critics of 2257 voice will get out and the average normal american will see what the GOV is doing here...

RedCherry 2005-10-13 11:53 AM

At the meeting I went to on Monday, Free Speech Coalition said this has helped the fight becuase Hollywood is very pissed over this whole law, and they have put a LOT of pressure to not have this go through as is.

On the other hand, FSC is also hoping Hollywood doesn't just get an exception for their movies, and we still have to comply.

More here on that meeting:

I suggest everyone joining FSC, they are fighting hard, they even have a lobbyist now in government. ACLU also is, and FSC even said they have had some Republicans who are starting to get appalled at the freedoms being taken away by the current administration are talking to them.

urb 2005-10-14 04:39 AM

The more I hear about 2257, the more I realise that the DoJ has absolutely no clue what they are doing.

They are abusing valuable funds on a wild goose chase; funds that should be spent on something that actually will benefit the American people.

Either the government doesn't really care about it's people, or they are just plain retarded.

Pathetic :(

Surfn 2005-10-14 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by urb
The more I hear about 2257, the more I realise that the DoJ has absolutely no clue what they are doing.

They are abusing valuable funds on a wild goose chase; funds that should be spent on something that actually will benefit the American people.

Either the government doesn't really care about it's people, or they are just plain retarded.

Pathetic :(

All of the above. If they knew what that were doing we would call them AT&T, Microsoft, Exxon, GE etc.

Joneze 2005-10-14 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by urb
Either the government doesn't really care about it's people, or they are just plain retarded.

I think it's about 50/50.

It is going to take decades to undo all this crap.

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