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Greenguy 2012-12-11 08:26 AM

Apparently, Tuesday Is The Worst Day Of The Week.
Morning |waves|

Not sure how I came across this, but I read on Urban Dictionary that Tuesday (or, as I like to use when I'm in a hip mood, 2sday|lol|) is:

The worst day of the week. It's the worst day because Monday sucks, but Tuesday is like Monday again. Since it's the worst day of the week it's the only day you can kill someone and get away with it. Tuesday is a day of anarchy.
Found this on my leg yesterday:
The Bitch squeezed the fuck out of it last night, but nothing of substance came out |cry| Might try again tonight. I'll keep you posted |thumb

Worky Work Busy Bee |fonz|

Cleo 2012-12-11 08:36 AM

Just what I wanted to see while eating breakfast, NOT.

For some odd reason we decided to go to Pizza Rustica around 11 last night and eat an entire large pizza. Woke up when our stripper friend came to town and used the garage door to come into the house waking us up and scaring the hell out of us. Couldn't go back to sleep due to having a tummy ache from eating too much pizza. I feel a nap in my future.

Work, maybe the gym, more work and a lot of coffee is in today's plans so far.

Greenguy 2012-12-11 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Cleo (Post 521866)
Just what I wanted to see while eating breakfast, NOT.

Payback is a BITCH!

Cleo 2012-12-11 10:05 AM

I guess we need more animal mating vids.


Twiceshy 2012-12-11 10:10 AM

Well today i will be waiting for the out come of the judges dicission on My Grans Estate today so i will find out if they decide if my Dad was my Dad or i have no father according to the court system but either way Administering this Estate will be over with five years of doing this has taken its toll. So to keep me busy i will just be working on sites. Either way i will be getting drunk tonight.

ArtWilliams 2012-12-11 10:24 AM

Jesus Murphy, Greenie and Cleo! Well, I've got a boil on my ass so I'm starting tomorrow's morning thread. Where my camera?

Today is the start of my personal challenge to go 30 consecutive days on the elliptical machine. It's been said you need 30 days of anything to make it a habit so I am hoping I can do that with exercise.

Other than that, it's the same old with a few adult blog entries along with a bit of main stream stuff.

Hope you have a great day and stay warm! |thumb

JustRobert 2012-12-11 03:36 PM

Good Day :)
Woke up late because I did not get to bed until early this morning stuck on trying to finish something. I feel useless at this moment and need food so taking a trip to pick up a meatball sandwich which should induce a nice long nap :D

Greenguy 2012-12-11 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by JustRobert (Post 521879)
I feel useless at this moment...

Can you imagine if everyone posted every time they felt normal?


bDok 2012-12-11 05:54 PM

Good afternoon. Today was a little bit better than yesterday. So much lameness yesterday. So yea got that going for myself.

Working on some code as well as handling some xmas card stuff.

Cleo 2012-12-11 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Greenie (Post 521883)
Can you imagine if everyone posted every time they felt normal?

I was old today that I'm not normal...

Greenguy 2012-12-11 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Cleo (Post 521887)
I was old today that I'm not normal...

You're old everyday |lol|

Cleo 2012-12-11 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Greenie (Post 521889)
You're old everyday |lol|

FUCK, I can't type today. |loony|

I really need to start getting a lot more sleep.

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