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Porn Junkie 2007-10-02 01:34 AM

So I have a domain that I use to mostly house my free sites. But I didn't plan very well and have a MGP as the root instead of a hub.

I was thinking about building central hub where I can link and showcase my free sites from 2 different domains and as well as my AVS sites from another domain.

Would that work or should a hub be on the same domain as the free sites/avs sites are?

SheepGuy 2007-10-02 02:03 AM

I would think it would look better and work better for SEO on a different domain from your sites, especially if you have a few one way incoming links, which you have a lot of through some guy's SSI's ;)

Porn Junkie 2007-10-02 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by SheepGuy (Post 367647)
I would think it would look better and work better for SEO on a different domain from your sites, especially if you have a few one way incoming links, which you have a lot of through some guy's SSI's ;)

LOL, awesome advise as always SheepGuy! |headbang|

I have a domain that is just sitting around collecting dust and have been thinking of a good use for it. i'll get cracking on it, just now have to decide on whether to build the site by hand or perhaps use wordpress.


|bow| Sheepguy

kane 2007-10-02 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by Porn Junkie (Post 367648)
LOL, awesome advise as always SheepGuy! |headbang|

I have a domain that is just sitting around collecting dust and have been thinking of a good use for it. i'll get cracking on it, just now have to decide on whether to build the site by hand or perhaps use wordpress.


|bow| Sheepguy

I would think it really depends on how often you plan to update it and how many sites you have. Wordpress is a great content management script and with some of the great SEO plugins it can help make SEOing a site much easier. That said, if you have a lot of sites in different niches you might want to build it by hand so you can do custom SEO work on each page for each different niche.

So to me I would say:

If you don't have a ton of sites or they are all in just a few niches - worpress it.

If you have a lot of sites and/or many different niches - build it by hand.

xxxjay 2007-10-11 11:02 PM

I would try to make every domain a "mini" hub of sorts on Since the index isn't listed with linklists you don't have to worry about changing it when you trade links.

The make a hub above that to link your mini-hubs and try to get abc trades there.

If you accomplish that build another layer.

If you get to where you have a lot of different domains I would reccomned spitting class c's.

LeRoy 2007-10-12 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by xxxjay (Post 368809)
I would try to make every domain a "mini" hub of sorts on Since the index isn't listed with linklists you don't have to worry about changing it when you trade links.

The make a hub above that to link your mini-hubs and try to get abc trades there.

If you accomplish that build another layer.

If you get to where you have a lot of different domains I would reccomned spitting class c's.


Good read Jay as always. Can you elaborate on ABC links for us newbies. I have heard that before and thought ok I'll ABC you. What does ABC link trade mean exactly?

Simon 2007-10-12 07:00 AM

An A-B-C trade just means that website "A" will link to website "B" and website "B" will link to website "C" so that there is no direct reciprocal linking. In this example, you would be the owner of either sites A and C or site B, but not all three, with your trading partner owning the other site or sites.

Some people will do A-B-C-D-E or longer trades, with links going from A to B, B to C, C to D, D to E, etc. Just remember that in this arrangement you need an odd number of sites to come out even. :)

The idea of "ABC" link trades is a bit of an artifact, sort of like putting your domains on different C-class IP addressess so you can then link them to each other for Search Engine benefits. Once the major search engine(s) had the ability to look up domain registrations, most of the benefit from these kinds of manipulations/techniques began to go away.

More and more, the trend seems to be that if you're not building your links and organizing your sites and trades in ways that are of primary benefit to your surfers, then you can expect most of your efforts to influence SE positions will be in vain.

Or at least that's been my experience.



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