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Jim 2007-12-17 11:19 AM

Your favorite toy as a kid
Damn, this site must have taken a little while to put together. :)

I found a couple toys from being a kid.

NY Jester 2007-12-17 11:52 AM

My favorite other than Atari 2600 was micronauts and when I was younger "under 10" it was sit and spin

Jim 2007-12-17 12:13 PM

I don't think I was much of a fisherprice kid. I had a secret agent radio that turned into a rifle. I remember it because a teacher took it away from me on show and tell day. :)

Cleo 2007-12-17 12:23 PM

Oddly I couldn't find Barbie Poo or Strap-on Barbie listed there.

MrMaryLou 2007-12-17 12:25 PM

There is one toy that I can remember is Mr Machine :)

ArtWilliams 2007-12-17 12:30 PM

Lego and Hot Wheels!

GinaCochina 2007-12-17 12:48 PM

I was really into my lesbian Malibu Barbies. Malibu Barbies wore they Baywatch-style red one-piece swimsuits with low-cut backs, and I always made them wear it backward so they were basically topless. I have no idea why I started doing that.

I also had a Ken doll that had a Bicentennial red white and blue bell-bottom outfit, and I was really into that one as well. 2007-12-17 01:12 PM

depends on what age they mean by kid..

i played a lot with those figurs from transformers and gi joe back then.. but hey i'm 23 now so still young

dareutwo 2007-12-17 01:52 PM

Pet Rock :)
Actually I loved the Evel Kneivel motorcycle.

ScreaM 2007-12-17 02:14 PM

My favourite toys were Matchbox toys.

NY Jester 2007-12-17 02:34 PM


Actually I loved the Evel Kneivel motorcycle.
I remember that . had the wind up thing on the side right? Then it would take off and of course CRASH haha RIP Evel

bluemoney 2007-12-17 03:16 PM

Mattel Talking Football Game

My friends and I would play for hours.

LeRoy 2007-12-17 04:24 PM

I got this top from my dad when I was 6. You would wind it up and pull the string . It had great balance. It would spin on the tip of a pencil or your finger. I still ask the toy stores if they have them. I can't find a replacement. I guess they don't make em anymore.

NY Jester 2007-12-17 04:49 PM

Hey D - I had one of those, well several, they were called a Gyroscope - I loved mine, my Dad bought me first one for the Plane Flight to Ireland when I when I was 6 - They were great.


PS - the above link is not a referral from me. Its the URL to the actual product page

Greenguy 2007-12-17 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Jim (Post 379842)
I don't think I was much of a fisherprice kid.

My Dad worked at Fisher Price |bananna|

I was one of the kids they brought in to test new toys. I also had a shitload of Adventure People (but they always got killed by the Star Wars people)

tyre71 2007-12-17 08:20 PM

My favorite gift as a kid was a trs-80 complete with the cassette deck. I spent hours writing dumb games in basic. Ah, the good ole days. If only my parents knew the path I was going down. :D

docholly 2007-12-17 08:42 PM

I always like stuffed animals. I had a pink teddy bear that was probably my favorite. We mostly got clothes. the only "toy" i remember was my brother bought me a real NFL football.. cuz I was an ACE at passing. Would spend hours shooting that fucker though a tire only to find out girls "couldn't" play football.

dareutwo 2007-12-17 10:01 PM

NY Jester - yep, that's the one.
Though I'm not sure what's more of a coincidence. That being my favorite toy, or the History channel playing his life story again and again over the past few months.
Either way he was an icon!

RageCash-Ben 2007-12-17 11:44 PM

LEGO - I was a lego junky!!

secretagentwilly 2007-12-18 12:27 AM

photon even though lazer tag was better and lasted...I loved to shoot at people... =)

Simon 2007-12-18 07:43 AM

I spent my kids years playing outside, mostly with pretty simple toys.

Let's see...

Metal skates with metal wheels, and skate keys to adjust them.
A pimpleball and a fist for playing boxball.
A pimpleball and a wall for playing chink.
A cut off broom stick and balls cut in half for games of halfball.
Some cut up pieces of old garden hose for hoseball.
Flipping and tossing baseball cards.
About nine friends and a wall or a tree for a game of Buck Buck.
Some friends (and enemies) and a ball for playing Dodge ball
Same friend and enemies, the ball plus a wall for (Wall)Suicide.
A leather belt for Hide The Belt.
An old can for Kick The Can.
A basketball and hoop for playing Pig or Horse.
Bocce balls, Jacks, and Marbles.

Watching the girls playing high-speed Double-Dutch and Hopscotch.

I'm sure there were more but my brain is old.



papagmp 2007-12-18 09:56 AM

Never had too many toys - we was pooooor farm boys but I did get an old used POS 12 gauge shotgun when I turned 12..... and promptly got it taken away because.........

Originally Posted by easymama (Post 379970)
I loved to shoot at people... =)

After they took the shotgun away - I was stuck playing with myself. Got pretty good at it over the years - somehow, I never got tired of it. :D

(for those who's dad worked at Fisher Price - POS is Piece Of Shit - all of my toys qualified.... well, all but one)

sue-fl 2007-12-18 10:51 AM

I loved my trolls and one of my favorite toys was Incredible Edibles (sp) it made bugs you could eat..:D

Jim 2007-12-18 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by sue-fl (Post 380067)
I loved my trolls and one of my favorite toys was Incredible Edibles (sp) it made bugs you could eat..:D

I had all the Creepy Crawlers sets. I loved the edible ones. :)

MrMaryLou 2007-12-18 11:07 AM

I agree with Simon about playing outside. I did have toys but the best memories are from playing outside and using our imaginations nowadays kids have kinda lost that.

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