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Ramster 2022-06-30 06:59 AM

Happy Last Day of June Thursday
Good morning |waves|

I had to get up to get an update live by 6am so here I am, working away for almost 90 minutes and it's only 7am |dizzy| Work planned all day but it is Thursday, my friend Derek and I often go for |beers| at 4:30/5 so that is likely but for now, |coffee is on |thumb

Greenguy 2022-06-30 08:57 AM

Morning! |waves|

Still not sure what's going on with my aunt. She said some doctor came in & woke her up at 530 & tried explaining something, but she'd 73 & |loony| so she has no idea what he was talking about |facepalm| So I'll be heading up there after I get my CT Lung Scan as I am a smoker over 50 |pokefun||greenguy|


Originally Posted by Ramster (Post 568479) friend Derek and I often go for |beers| at 4:30/5 so that is likely but for now, |coffee is on |thumb

Tell'em I said Hello! |waves|

ArtWilliams 2022-06-30 11:02 AM


Back from the ENT doctor. I'm getting eustachian balloon tuboplasty for my tinnitus which thrills me but it's not covered by our health care system. Big $$$! Off to my BIL for a little while and then back to my laptop. Fuck, I am so behind on everything. Starting tonight I'm looking after my niece's dog for a couple of weeks which I am really looking forward to.

Have a good one!

JustRobert 2022-06-30 11:18 AM

Good Morning :)

We've been having a warm spell so I was outside at 6:45 doing a bunch of digging. I'm only good for an hour or so before I risk F'ing my back so I'm done with that for the day.

So far it looks like the outpatient crap my wife did yesterday seems to have helped. Hopefully this will continue and she won't fall back into pain.

Time for breakfast and still trying to cool down before I can wash the stink off of me.

More grunt work for the rest of the day with and without tv.

Enjoy your Thursday!

Evil Chris 2022-06-30 11:22 AM

Was up late last night after a stellar softball win, so I slept in a little (8am). Coffee is going down so nice this morning.

Headed to Ontario for the weekend tomorrow. Blue Jays have a double header. We're doing the first game, and maybe the 2nd.

Today it's just banging away at the keyboard. Have a good one!

Ramster 2022-06-30 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 568484)
Headed to Ontario for the weekend tomorrow. Blue Jays have a double header. We're doing the first game, and maybe the 2nd.

Sweet ! Should be a good time |thumb

Greenguy 2022-06-30 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by JustRobert (Post 568483)
So far it looks like the outpatient crap my wife did yesterday seems to have helped. Hopefully this will continue and she won't fall back into pain.

Good to hear! Give her a |smooch| for me |thumb

Ramster 2022-07-01 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by JustRobert (Post 568483)
So far it looks like the outpatient crap my wife did yesterday seems to have helped. Hopefully this will continue and she won't fall back into pain.

Good news! |thumb

JustRobert 2022-07-01 10:52 AM

She says Thank You!

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