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NY Jester 2009-04-08 12:57 AM

Whats with veteran submitters breaking the rules
Ive seen too much of it lately. I cannot believe that veteran or at least "non rookie" submitters are going to the lengths they are to submit ..frankly for lack of a better word - SHIT! I really thought that the regulars here had a bit more professional respect for each other to stoop to auto submits, with excessive blind link reciprocals, ghosted recips tables and just trying to get by with it based on friendship/aquaintance, etc. The bullshit never seems to end with rogue submitters, the last thing I want to deal with is regulars breaking the rules WTF |banghead|


annie_cash 2009-04-08 01:39 AM

I've been noticing the same thing lately, and it pisses me off. If youre old in the bussiness you're suppose to know the rules better than anyone right?

Maj. Stress 2009-04-08 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by NY Jester (Post 447289)
Ive seen too much of it lately. I cannot believe that veteran or at least "non rookie" submitters are going to the lengths they are to submit ..frankly for lack of a better word - SHIT! I really thought that the regulars here had a bit more professional respect for each other to stoop to auto submits, with excessive blind link reciprocals, ghosted recips tables and just trying to get by with it based on friendship/aquaintance, etc. The bullshit never seems to end with rogue submitters, the last thing I want to deal with is regulars breaking the rules WTF |banghead|


What is a "ghosted recip table"?

LD 2009-04-08 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by Maj. Stress (Post 447292)
What is a "ghosted recip table"?

Beats the hell out of me...LOL...

If Im breaking any rules I can assure you it's stupidity rather than intentionally doing anything wrong..:D

SmithsMedia 2009-04-08 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by NY Jester (Post 447289)
Ive seen too much of it lately. I cannot believe that veteran or at least "non rookie" submitters are going to the lengths they are to submit ..frankly for lack of a better word - SHIT! I really thought that the regulars here had a bit more professional respect for each other to stoop to auto submits, with excessive blind link reciprocals, ghosted recips tables and just trying to get by with it based on friendship/aquaintance, etc. The bullshit never seems to end with rogue submitters, the last thing I want to deal with is regulars breaking the rules WTF |banghead|


Heres a a rant for you

Why are LL owners becoming more and more unreasonable? Why are they becoming less flexible and putting them selves up on peddlestools and forming unofficial clangs of people who then set about doing all they can to destroy other peoples names.....

Here you should read your own rules....

General Rules for all submissions:
Nothing illegal - no Zoo, CP, Rape,
No Pop-Ups, Consoles, Pop-Unders
No Banner Farms
No back button manipulation. I must be able to click back to Pic Stable
No Free Hosts
Site must be in English
Please capitalize only the first letter of Each Word In The Title
Only capitalize the first word of the description.
A recip to Pic Stable is required. Not by itself. Please use one below or customize it to your site. Be sure to use "free porn megasite" as the title text and Pic Stable as the anchor text.
Free Daily Pics & Movies
Free Porn Megasite

Free Daily Pics & Movies
Free Porn Megasite


Free Daily Pics & Movies

Free Porn Megasite


Free Daily Pics
& Movies

Free Porn Megasite

You must have permission or copyright to use the material within your link
Picture Sites : Index | Main | 2 Galleries | 24 Pics - 12 per gallery
Video Sites : Index | Main | 2 Galleries | 6 videos - 120 seconds total
Blog Sites : Must be on your own domain. Please don't submit free hosted blogs/splogs and a one line recip link is acceptable. Please use Pic Stable Megasite as the anchor text
No Blind or Misleading Links - Have a clear Enter link
No Java Scripts or any type of redirects
Quality will win out over quantity
Site must be submitted in the correct category
I have the right to change the description to fit the link area and choose an appropriate category. That is why I ask for 2 choices.
1 submission per day

You will see from my point of view I have not breached any of them yet am banned for an unwritten rule that I cant see anywhere on your submit page.

Quite possibly you need to amend your T&C's of submission - have you thought about that?

SmithsMedia 2009-04-08 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by LusciousDelight (Post 447315)
Beats the hell out of me...LOL...

If Im breaking any rules I can assure you it's stupidity rather than intentionally doing anything wrong..:D

You may need to read through the other thread titled Jester Read - Stupidity or human error is not acepted, this is a crusade hes on.

I been a registered user here 4 years longer Jester - I am not saying that accounts for much in our personal battle though.....

Like I say maybe the newbie LL owners should refine their rules - I did not break one of Jesters yet he banned me, go figure!

LD 2009-04-08 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by SmithsMedia (Post 447320)

Like I say maybe the newbie LL owners should refine their rules - I did not break one of Jesters yet he banned me, go figure!

I do hope you guys work something out. Jester has always been very helpful to me, and my exchanges with you have always been pleasant.

As to rules, my impression is that they have become less stringent over the last 2 years. I see this as a good thing, but something that would be helpful is if ll owners would update their rules. Many list have rules which they don't enforce, or no longer apply.

SmithsMedia 2009-04-08 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by LusciousDelight (Post 447339)
I do hope you guys work something out. Jester has always been very helpful to me, and my exchanges with you have always been pleasant.

As to rules, my impression is that they have become less stringent over the last 2 years. I see this as a good thing, but something that would be helpful is if ll owners would update their rules. Many list have rules which they don't enforce, or no longer apply.

We did work it out - I appologised corrected the problem - he banned me :)

Now he has started this thread.......

Seriously it is laughable, then I got the new guy who taken over Clicks 4 Sex banning me too for a some nonsense reason that was not within my control and again can be proved.

This is the issue with the business as a whole, and this is a perfect example as to what happens when someone takes over a perfectly good web site and tries to be all wobnderful.

Clicks4Sex new owner made a post here on GG&J saying and I quote -

"I will be letting things get through, though tightening them up over time" - what utter bull

MrMaryLou 2009-04-08 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by SmithsMedia (Post 447342)
We did work it out - I appologised corrected the problem - he banned me :)

Now he has started this thread.......

Seriously it is laughable, then I got the new guy who taken over Clicks 4 Sex banning me too for a some nonsense reason that was not within my control and again can be proved.

This is the issue with the business as a whole, and this is a perfect example as to what happens when someone takes over a perfectly good web site and tries to be all wobnderful.

Clicks4Sex new owner made a post here on GG&J saying and I quote -

"I will be letting things get through, though tightening them up over time" - what utter bull

I think you should really stop |deadhorse because you so are |goodnight getting in a deeper hole.

SmithsMedia 2009-04-08 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by MrMaryLou (Post 447346)
I think you should really stop |deadhorse because you so are |goodnight getting in a deeper hole.

Why? - thats is not a fair call at all Mary Lou not a fair call at all....

Firstly I NY Jester pointed out an issue I dealt with it, I did not slate rant nor complain about his list. I took on board what he said and action ed them.

We seemed to agree to disagree, no major problem.

I come back and see the thread and see others are pilling in and judging me on a simple mistake that I have resolved.

Mr Mary Lou you should know me a bit better then these guys, I thought you would understand that it is possible to make mistakes and it is not the mistakes it is how you deal with them that counts.

I did leave this alone and moved on though other members of the forum have continued the debate and are sharing my details and submission name and banning me, as I say its laughable.

I am very upset that some people here who have know me a long time and infact some I have met in person and shared beers with have not said something to support me but I guess I am learing something else about the characters here.

I acept you think I flogging a dead horse though I also have to stand up for myself too, I hope you and others can understand that |huh

LeRoy 2009-04-08 11:01 AM

Awe shit. I just got your rejection e-mail. Sorry bout that one NY Jester. I'll clean em up on the next ones ;)

anasporn 2009-04-08 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by MrMaryLou (Post 447346)
I think you should really stop |deadhorse because you so are |goodnight getting in a deeper hole.

(quoting MML because I agree)
To SmithMedia-
I've got no skin in this game at all, so here is the complete unbiased third party opinion:

It is Jester's site, it is Jester's traffic, it is Jester's rules. Same with the other LL owners. If you don't like their game then don't play. If you build your own traffic, then you can do with it as you please. As long as you are wanting their traffic then you must jump through their hoops ... even if the rules change, even if there are "unwritten" rules.

That said, I have not built or submitted a FS or TGP gallery since 2006, so this is as unbiased as you will get.

SmithsMedia 2009-04-08 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by anasporn (Post 447350)
(quoting MML because I agree)
To SmithMedia-
I've got no skin in this game at all, so here is the complete unbiased third party opinion:

It is Jester's site, it is Jester's traffic, it is Jester's rules. Same with the other LL owners. If you don't like their game then don't play. If you build your own traffic, then you can do with it as you please. As long as you are wanting their traffic then you must jump through their hoops ... even if the rules change, even if there are "unwritten" rules.

I agree with what you are saying - I totally agree with it being Jesters right to call the shots on his list. Jester made his call and I have to acept that though I am very unhappy with impact its had on me with other sites as this was all caused by a simple a mistake.

Useless 2009-04-08 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by SmithsMedia (Post 447319)
Why are they becoming less flexible and putting them selves up on peddlestools and forming unofficial clangs of people who then set about doing all they can to destroy other peoples names.....

What the hell is a peddlestool?

anasporn 2009-04-08 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by SmithsMedia (Post 447352)
though I am very unhappy with impact its had on me with other sites as this was all caused by a simple a mistake.

you were the one who started that particular thread, not Jester. If you had handled the situation privately via email or PM you wouldn't have the problems with the other sites.

Chalk it up to unintended consequences, learn and move on.

SmithsMedia 2009-04-08 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by anasporn (Post 447357)
you were the one who started that particular thread, not Jester. If you had handled the situation privately via email or PM you wouldn't have the problems with the other sites.

Chalk it up to unintended consequences, learn and move on.

I did try conducting over email though did not manage to make contact I came here as this was sugested as the second form of contact :)

What ever whys and ifs this has been resolved, but it still makes for a debate and maybe others will learn from my mistakes. :)

SmithsMedia 2009-04-08 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Useless Warrior (Post 447356)
What the hell is a peddlestool?

a dirty great typo ;)

'peddastool' |lol|

MeatPounder 2009-04-08 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by SmithsMedia (Post 447342)
Seriously it is laughable, then I got the new guy who taken over Clicks 4 Sex banning me too for a some nonsense reason that was not within my control and again can be proved.

This is the issue with the business as a whole, and this is a perfect example as to what happens when someone takes over a perfectly good web site and tries to be all wobnderful.

Clicks4Sex new owner made a post here on GG&J saying and I quote -

"I will be letting things get through, though tightening them up over time" - what utter bull

I was critical of your submissions because of your phony recip tables, Sure

But that is not why you were banned from Click 4Sex Fun

You were banned after the 3rd time in two weeks that you submitted sites with intentionally hidden enter links (smallest font on the page by far), and Enter link font color closely matching the background of the page (The only place on the page where there font color was used was the enter links, and the only place on the page where font size 7 was yes intentional)

Add to that multiple redirects to (again on several submittals...once may be broken links...over and over is cheating)

That is why you were banned with me

Tommy 2009-04-08 12:33 PM

you really have to look at both sides of it

the reviewer is sitting there looking at site after site and not one follows the rules, He feels his time is being wasted, gets annoyed and it sours his attitude towards submitters

sometimes they get very heavy handed because of that attitude

I always seen submiters as a valuable resource .. A partner.. just as important as my sponsors

but on the other hand I have been very lucky to have a lot of good people submitting to me

SmithsMedia 2009-04-08 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by MeatPounder (Post 447366)
I was critical of your submissions because of your phony recip tables, Sure

But that is not why you were banned from Click 4Sex Fun

You were banned after the 3rd time in two weeks that you submitted sites with intentionally hidden enter links (smallest font on the page by far), and Enter link font color closely matching the background of the page (The only place on the page where there font color was used was the enter links, and the only place on the page where font size 7 was yes intentional)

Add to that multiple redirects to (again on several submittals...once may be broken links...over and over is cheating)

That is why you were banned with me

I do not make it hard to get into or navigate free sites mate, see what you are decribing to me there is decline on design issues not an amtept to cheat.

Most LL will return a site and say 'Broken Images' fix and resubmit. Its not cheating they are once again heavy words.

Let me explain cheating to you - cheating is when some half wit makes a bunch of sites then after they are listed changes the content or more so changes the the roote url to redirect to lets say a PPC programme.

I sit here quite possibly like you making page after page after page, some will mess up, some I will screw up on but never would I consider submiting a site with a view to nicking the odd click.

Thing is fella the likes of Linkster were good for submitters like me, they were good because they returned the submission and explained what was wrong.

As I am sure you will agree it is not always possible to see the wood for the trees. Again I acept your decision its your LL I would of course like to amend the situation and sort things out but that is out of my hands.


Tommy 2009-04-08 01:37 PM

I would put his Domain in whois and give em a call on the phone ....

NY Jester 2009-04-08 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by SmithsMedia (Post 447320)
You may need to read through the other thread titled Jester Read - Stupidity or human error is not acepted, this is a crusade hes on.

I been a registered user here 4 years longer Jester - I am not saying that accounts for much in our personal battle though.....

Like I say maybe the newbie LL owners should refine their rules - I did not break one of Jesters yet he banned me, go figure!

Smith's media, this thread was not a personal attack on you. It was a general rant in the direction of ALL non newbie's breaking the rules. Im not putting myself on a higher plain in any way shape or form. But I thank you for making it personal between us. Im about sick and tired of your personal attacks , so really go scratch your ass man. You are just proving my feeling right that you're not worth listing in the first place.

Luscious a ghosted recip table is using fake recips on a free site coming off as you've submitted to the link lists that appear within the recip table. When it reality you submitted an entirely different site to the others. It was something that Smiths Media got caught doing and now he's hell bent on bad mouthing me.

SmithsMedia 2009-04-08 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Tommy (Post 447377)
I would put his Domain in whois and give em a call on the phone ....

he he - i think I am pissing in the wind mate :)

NY Jester 2009-04-08 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by SmithsMedia (Post 447319)
Heres a a rant for you

You will see from my point of view I have not breached any of them yet am banned for an unwritten rule that I cant see anywhere on your submit page.

Quite possibly you need to amend your T&C's of submission - have you thought about that?

So you think I should allow you to continue to submit to me free sites with fake recip tables on it? Give me a break. Unwritten rule yes..ITS COMMON FUCKING SENSE!

SmithsMedia 2009-04-08 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by NY Jester (Post 447380)
Smith's media, this thread was not a personal attack on you. It was a general rant in the direction of ALL non newbie's breaking the rules. Im not putting myself on a higher plain in any way shape or form. But I thank you for making it personal between us. Im about sick and tired of your personal attacks , so really go scratch your ass man. You are just proving my feeling right that you're not worth listing in the first place.

Luscious a ghosted recip table is using fake recips on a free site coming off as you've submitted to the link lists that appear within the recip table. When it reality you submitted an entirely different site to the others. It was something that Smiths Media got caught doing and now he's hell bent on bad mouthing me.

its far from personal - and I acept this is not a thread about me and me only.

I just scratched my ass but now my finger smells so wont be doing that again.

Jester on a closing note, I took on board what you said and made changes, for that I am actually very greatful to you. :)

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