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Opti 2005-03-09 10:45 PM

Sick Parade
Just a quick drive by post to say hello and explain my absense of late.

I've been ill for a couple of months and ignoring it.. I had let myself get very run down health wise.

About 2 or 3 weeks ago I started to get pain in my chest and was having trouble breathing.. and still I didn't go to a doctor (DUH!)

Anyway, last weekend I thought I was going to die.. could hardly breath at all and the pain in my chest was so bad I was pretty sure I had must have been about to die of lung cancer.

Long story short, I have pleurisy, which is an infection of the fluid around your lungs. I feel much better after 5 days of anti-biotics and although I can't walk 300 feet without puffing and panting out of breath still, the doctor says I don't have any serious problem and will be 100% after 2-3 weeks rest.

I'll be back bigger, better and stronger than ever very soon... and for all those people I have let down with work in the last month or so.. Please accept my apology.

Cleo 2005-03-09 10:48 PM

Wow, glad you are going to be ok.

HarryM 2005-03-09 10:55 PM

Hope it get's better soon, sounds pretty nasty :(
Might be time to quit smoking if you do..
I'm on try #20 something now, gone for
1 week so far.. just got to lay off the booze.. arh! |cry|

natalie 2005-03-09 11:18 PM

Hi Opti |waves| Thats no good mate, but glad you are getting better. I have had pneumonia twice.. much similiar I think- in that its awful! The last time, almost exactly a year ago my Dr told me to quit smoking, which I did. However me and punaniman both started again a few weeks ago :( so now we will have to do it all over again ffs. The other lesson I learnt from having that was to take some rest when you are sick, its often the ignoring it that does the damage. I am sure a couple of days off at the start is better than weeks off later. Plus we will look after your surfers for you :P

MrMaryLou 2005-03-09 11:46 PM

Get well soon :)

Opti 2005-03-09 11:59 PM

Thanks everyone :)

Sounds like you know exactly what this feels like Nat! Pneumonia is a step worse I believe!

And smoking has been easy to give up HarryMuff..... It hurt like hell when I tried to force a joint down yesterday! :D

plateman 2005-03-10 12:20 AM

man opti I was just gonna post I need a rest been working to much, smoking too much and this biz is getting to me, dam ratios suck and am very tired of reviewing with little or no return and trying to build on the days I review and doing my daily pick the kids up and all the little chores I do around the house is really running me down.. my wrist and back hurts and am out of shape from the constant work behind the pc and my vision is blurred and I have 20/20 plus I remodeled another room (small one) new drywall and the whole 9 yards.. I am beat mental and physical and I feel like just closing submitts and just giving 15 to 20 a url to a form.. and I can just build everyday and hopefully make enough to do the lake this summer..

MrYum 2005-03-10 12:28 AM

Damn Opti...that's no good at all! Really glad you finally saw the doc and are on the mend :)

This biz does have a way of running ya and I spoke about something similar a week or so ago. I can definitely relate to being over tired =/

WAY too many hours behind the keyboard...but sure beats working in a cubicle with a boss looking over your shoulder!

You hang in there buddy...the surfers will still be here when ya get back up to speed :)

LowryBigwood 2005-03-10 12:59 AM

Hey man, i hope you get to feeling better. I too have been jacked up over the last couple of months, i hope all goes well.

Jim 2005-03-10 03:53 AM

I wondered where you were too. Glad you are feeling better, Opti.

Fonz 2005-03-10 05:49 AM

Glad to see you're (almost) back and kickin' ass again Opti :)

Opti 2005-03-10 07:22 AM

WOW.... thanks everyone! Reminds me why I like this business so much.. for the people.

Plateman.. I think it's You I had near the top of my list of promises left on the to-do list for far too long. :\ I hate to say it, as it's a downer for others to read, but you sound just like I have been feeling since a couple of projects I had put heart n soul into came to nothing over the last few months.. I wish I could just say plug on and all will be ok, but I don't think I believe that at the moment. I feel like there is too many smarter, trickier and more up to date people out there gunning at everything and anything successful I have in the search engines.

I read an article that says URLs with the word "link" or "links" are being penalised somehow by google a few days back. I'm not one to believe much SEO stuff I read in public.. but doing a few searches it seemed like a pretty common "myth" if it isn't true... have a look around at how many linksites (particularly gossamer users) have their site setup around here and it will make you want to cry if you think like me... that we need each other to survive and prosper.

It sounds like you deserve to be doing better than me with the level of real productivity you are managing btw Plateman.

Someone please tell me their freesite and/or linklist business is up so far this year.. i'm going to drive myself to depression at this rate :p

(I went to the pub for 2 hours this evening.. and made myself bloody sicker again as well) |dizzy|

urb 2005-03-10 08:00 AM

Hey Opti :)
Glad to see you back here posting. I hope you're feeling a lot better soon mate.
Why are you going down the pub though? Cold air, smoke and more importantly booze on top of anti-biotics! ;)

pornrex 2005-03-10 08:12 AM

Hey Opti! |waves|

In spite of what our instincts tell us, once in a while we need a break from having fun (if you can believe it) and just get some honest to goodness rest.

So, put down the |potleaf| and the |duff| and the booze and what not, and get some rest.

Realize this: "Life ain't worth living if you lose your health because of your own stupidity."

Get some rest. Eat right for a while. Get some exercise or even go for a walk. It'll do your body and your mind good. Soon after that, you'll be |bananna| in the streets. And that would be good. |thumb


funbrunette 2005-03-10 08:36 AM

Sending happy and healthy vibes your way! All the best! |thumb

Opti 2005-03-10 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by urb
Why are you going down the pub though? Cold air, smoke and more importantly booze on top of anti-biotics! ;)

being sensible as usual Urb ... thanks for asking |pimpin

(a woman was there of course!)

Useless 2005-03-10 08:52 AM

Oh shit, you're back. I thought you died so I was going to steal your logo and use it at Filthy Earl's. :D

I'm glad to hear that you are doing better. I too am one of those guys who ignores every symptom until the illness gets bored or disgusted with me and a goes away on its own accord. Get some rest, but don't rest too long. Porn waits for no man. |thumb

Greenguy 2005-03-10 08:57 AM

Oh for |buddy|'s sake! Here I am about to type up a rather sarcastic reply & follow it up by my legit one & Useless Warrior beat me to it :D

In any event, I too had been wondering where you were & it's good to hear your feeling better :)

Opti 2005-03-10 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by Useless Warrior
Oh shit, you're back. I thought you died so I was going to steal your logo and use it at Filthy Earl's. :D

I bet if you (or some artistic type) could sketch what you want we could find someone useful enough with photoshop to wack it together into something brilliant like Urb did for me (in less than an hour it felt like)

How cool is this one? My daughter had it done for a site she was planning. She did the basic design and had a cartoonist finish it.

Filthy Earl NEEDS a "character" UW!

Thanks Greenie :)

Evil Chris 2005-03-10 09:25 AM

Hey Opti... take care of yourself man!

Useless 2005-03-10 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Opti
Filthy Earl NEEDS a "character" UW!

I've had something in mind for a while now. I'll have it done some day. I'm seeing Earl as being a real grungy farmer looking guy. He'll probably have a beer gut, lots of stubble on his face and a couple of teeth missing. I think he'll wear overalls. Maybe 'Earl' on a baseball cap or on his shirt. I've even considered having a frightened little sheep next to him.

Yell 2005-03-10 09:42 AM

Opti glad to hear you are getting better you have to take care of your self we are not young chickens any more. :D

If you need me hit me on icq.

ronnie 2005-03-10 12:42 PM

Good to hear your getting better Opti!


eman 2005-03-10 01:06 PM

Hi Opti :)

Glad you're feeling better, mate. I've had pleurisy, and pneumonia (not together), so I know what it's like. But I was so much younger then. I'd probably keel over if I got either one now.

I'm just celebrating getting my blood pressure down from 182/88 to 135/40. All I had to do was stop drinking 8 pints of beer a day, completely cut out salt (no processed foods, including bread) and live on fruit, vegetables and fish for 4 weeks.

Time for a banana ... :D

spookyx 2005-03-10 05:16 PM


you would get well much faster if you started looking at more asian porn


Get well soon


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