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juggernaut 2006-07-07 09:03 PM

Your feelings on Bush
Ok after the past few days we have seen some interesting posts about politics. One thing is for sure, it's nice to see we all are not calling names an bashing blah blah. I am not a big fan of the current government despite what some might think from my posts. I am a fan of people in the military but I have made that clear in other posts. My question is, how would most of you feel if for some reason Bush signed a no income tax law for people who have adult related businesses? Called off the DOJ. And gave people who worked at home a 20% property tax break?

SirMoby 2006-07-07 09:31 PM

I'd be happy but he's still put my daughter's future at great risk. The low dollar, the loss of good jobs, the war, the human rights issues, the wire tapping, the comments against the Supreme Court and Free Speech.

I'm afraid that one day while living in Southern Ukraine that I'll have to explain that we left the USA for religious freedom, freedom of speech and lower taxes.

Useless 2006-07-07 09:40 PM

Being that my feelings for that cocksucker really have nothing to do with his thus far non-existent impact on my work, my feelings would not change. If he could jump into a time machine and take back the war in Iraq so that my friend's son, who literally took a direct head shot from an RPG, would still be alive, I would feel a little better about him.

I'm not one who believes that that retarded monkey is at fault for all of the world's woes, but if I want to blame him for my leaky fucking roof, I can't understand why anyone would bother to come to his defense. |crazy|

bluemoney 2006-07-07 09:45 PM

I'm just glad to be a Libertarian

juggernaut 2006-07-07 09:46 PM

I'm not defending him UW. Here's what I'm seeing on this forum as being a member for roughly over 1 year. It's all about the $$$$$. People in the adult world could give two shits about politics and the rest of this country as long as it dont fuck with their bottom line. All these posts on GW and the government started after the 2257.
Sorry you hear about your neighbor, for some of this board would say he deserved it just for entering the military.

Trev 2006-07-07 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by juggernaut
Ok after the past few days we have seen some interesting posts about politics. One thing is for sure, it's nice to see we all are not calling names an bashing blah blah. I am not a big fan of the current government despite what some might think from my posts. I am a fan of people in the military but I have made that clear in other posts. My question is, how would most of you feel if for some reason Bush signed a no income tax law for people who have adult related businesses? Called off the DOJ. And gave people who worked at home a 20% property tax break?

suspicious... very suspicious.

While the personal benefits would be nice. I understand that my keeping a few extra bucks in my pocket, is far from the most important thing in or for this country or this world.

Useless 2006-07-07 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by juggernaut
Sorry you hear about your neighbor, for some of this board would say he deserved it just for entering the military.

He wasn't my neighbor, but your psychic powers are close - he was my neighbor's nephew. If you've seen Tom Brokaw's special "To War and Back", you may already know the story about our local NG unit.

juggernaut 2006-07-07 10:21 PM

Sorry about the misread. And sorry about the kid, really. I'm too close to it everyday to have it effect me sometimes. But having done more then my fair share of funerals I can asure you I don't like to see it as much as the next guy. I wish his family all the best I can only hope they take comfort in knowing he was not alone when he went, he was with family.

ecchi 2006-07-08 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by juggernaut
My question is, how would most of you feel if for some reason Bush signed a no income tax law for people who have adult related businesses? Called off the DOJ. And gave people who worked at home a 20% property tax break?

So your asking "Can members of this board be bought off?"?

sue-fl 2006-07-08 09:02 AM

It wouldn't change my mind on Bush. I didn't like him before the war and didn't vote for him. My problem is not just with him though it's with the Republicans. I can't stand his brother who is the Governor here either. I don't think the Republicans give a shit about the poor and the medical needy. This comes from personal experience, as I'm still fighting the state for my son, who can get no help.

It seems like all government is corrupt, you vote, you support a campaign but once you help get them in office you don't mean shit anymore. It's a no win situation in my book |banghead|

docholly 2006-07-08 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by juggernaut
My question is, how would most of you feel if for some reason Bush signed a no income tax law for people who have adult related businesses? Called off the DOJ. And gave people who worked at home a 20% property tax break?

my vote, unlike my phat ass, is not for sale.

One of my biggest regrets in my 51 years of life was that in 2000 we were registered to vote in Florida but my husband had just retired and we were living in Atlanta, on the eve of the election we debated about driving to Jax to cast our votes but since we felt that Gore was a shoe in and that no one in their right fucking mind would ever vote for that asshole (i've had issues with him since he was gov. of texas and told the texas state legislature that dragging a man with a chain around his neck until his head falls off is not a hate crime) ..we didn't go. Even though I KNOW in my goodhead that our 2 little votes, in the grand scheme of things, would not have made a difference you can bet I will never miss an election again.

Also, for the record, I'm a registered Republican. When and where I grew up the Democrats were the "enemy conservatives".. don't forget George Wallace *spitting 3 times to even write his name* and Lester Maddox were very PROUD members of the Democratic party so when I registered to vote very proudly on my 18th birthday, I picked the party who actually sent people to work during the civil rights movement.

GWB does not embody in any way shape or form the party that I joined back in 1973. George --referred to in my blog as "the asshole" doesn't know the meaning of a market based economy, states rights, less government etc etc all founding tenents of the GOP.

I think that GWB suffers from a classic case of Oedipus Complex and should be forced to suckle Barbara's tit ..powdered milk.

Tommy 2006-07-08 10:53 AM

well before I felt like UW but like I said in the previous post I was biased

one day I found myself telling someone they only support bush for religious reasons and because they think he is a man of faith they will support anything he does

but then I thought about it and I am just as guilty
I am against bush because he is a man of faith

well mostly because he and the fellow Jesus freaks are trying to shove their religion down everybody's throats by legislating their faith

I am gonna try and be more open minded

I have been kicking around the idea of starting a political board

I just gotta think of a name
any ideas ???

Simon 2006-07-08 11:51 AM

Maybe ... ... though the multiple refernces/meanings might be missed by some.

Then again, .net .org are available. Or with hyphens if you like that better. And so is ... but maybe both of those are too slanted.

I'll let someone else suggest something more neutral.


JustRobert 2006-07-08 12:27 PM

FreedomToWrite is available.

The tax cuts would be nice for my personal bottom line but you have to look at a larger picture sometimes. If I stopped donating to charities that would help my bottom line as well, but thats not going to happen.

I believe there is no one politician or person that can make everybody happy all the time. The problem is that this president seems to just piss me off more than any other that I can recall, including his dad. I am not even considering the adult side because America is largely Christian and because of that we will all have to deal with the issues at hand no matter what party is in office to some degree.

Now if Jeb somehow gets into office, read something yesterday about him running as VP and then moving on to Pres, I may have to actually move to Canada just for the piece of mind.

Useless 2006-07-08 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Simon
I'll let someone else suggest something more neutral.
. |thumb

SirMoby 2006-07-08 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by JustRobert
Now if Jeb somehow gets into office, read something yesterday about him running as VP and then moving on to Pres, I may have to actually move to Canada just for the piece of mind.

Not until 2012 or 2016. His brother is making to much of a mess which is going to hit the fan hard around 2008 - 2010.

When Jeb gets into office that's when the constitution really goes away.

JustRobert 2006-07-08 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by SirMoby
Not until 2012 or 2016. His brother is making to much of a mess which is going to hit the fan hard around 2008 - 2010

Hope your right about that, especially if the mess he creates just stops his bid altogether for VP or Pres.

Who would have ever thought that one day I would chant, "No More Bush!" :D

docholly 2006-07-08 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Simon
Maybe ... ...

that gets MY vote!! |thumb

tickler 2006-07-08 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by JustRobert
Now if Jeb somehow gets into office, read something yesterday about him running as VP and then moving on to Pres, I may have to actually move to Canada just for the piece of mind.

Well they somehow just elected a bush-clone up here. He's has already complained that the supreme court is too biased to the left, and won't let him do what he wants.

About the only good thing is that he cut sales tax 1%, instead of dropping income tax for high income. The ideal is if you want to get the savings you have to spend the money in country, which creates jobs, which................

Good thing is that it is a minority government, so he has to tread very lightly or get voted out. No waiting 4 years here if they have less than 50% in a 4-5+ party government.

JustRobert 2006-07-08 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by tickler
Well they somehow just elected a bush-clone up here.

Had this discussion recently with a buddy, his wife and in-laws all from Canada, about this. In-laws still live in Canada and they all believe he has to tread lightly as well and that he has already pissed off some that voted him in. Not sure how true that is, but they also agreed that your not stuck with someone for 4 years if ya made a mistake.

Mr. Blue 2006-07-08 04:47 PM

The main problem I see with Bush is kind of simple...why was he re-elected? If he sucked completely as a President and I think he was a pretty bad President the first 4 years...why on earth would he get re-elected?
  • Democrats put up a weak candidate in Kerry
  • Democrats didn't have a message of their own - their message was, Bush sucks. Yeah, that's great, now what's your platform?
  • All the people that hate Bush with a passion didn't go to vote. WTF!!!??? Our system of government only works when you participate in it.
  • The Democrats picked a candidate that would only play well in the Northern liberals states...they need a moderate like Bill Clinton to carry some of the south.

That's just the brief list, there's a lot more, but basically the white monkey aka Bush, would have never been elected if people actually gave a damn about the political process. If more people voted in the primaries people like Gore and Kerry would have never been the Democratic candidate for President.

I personally dislike both Republicans and Democrats equally, they basically are just different flavors of stupid. I'm an independent and I'm hoping there's some good candidates for the next election, but looking at who might run in 2008...I'm not holding out much hope.

emmanuelle 2006-07-08 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by juggernaut
People in the adult world could give two shits about politics and the rest of this country as long as it dont fuck with their bottom line. .

Just being pedantic here, but I believe the expression is "COULDN'T give two shits"

tickler 2006-07-08 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by JustRobert
...... they all believe he has to tread lightly as well and that he has already pissed off some that voted him in.

The refusing to lower flags for dead Canadian soldiers from Afghanistan(one was local) did not play well here. The local MP(read congressman for those US folks) protested about it, and almost got fired from some senior party positions.


Originally Posted by JustRobert
Not sure how true that is, but they also agreed that your not stuck with someone for 4 years if ya made a mistake.

Yeah, he wants to go to fixed election dates like the USA to save taxpayers money on election costs, (and so the government can't be voted out earlier).

Lemmy 2006-07-08 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by juggernaut
My question is, how would most of you feel if for some reason Bush signed a no income tax law for people who have adult related businesses? Called off the DOJ. And gave people who worked at home a 20% property tax break?

I think Bush is a war mongering, religio-fascist imbecile who will go down in history as a war criminal and a liar and a usurper of the people he was elected to serve. Him throwing me a tax bone won't change that.

Originally Posted by juggernaut
People in the adult world could give two shits about politics and the rest of this country as long as it dont fuck with their bottom line.

I think it's wrong to assume that people in the porn business don't have a social conscience.

Jim 2006-07-09 11:39 AM

I just saw this and it describes how I feel to a tee...

"It is like some sort of virus. It is like some sort of weird and painful rash on your face that makes you embarrassed to walk out the door and so you sit there day after day, waiting for it to go away, slathering on ointment and Bactine and scotch. And yet still it lingers.

Some days the pain is so searing and hot you want to cut off your own head with a nail file. Other days it is numb and pain-free and seemingly OK, to the point where you think it might finally be all gone and you allow yourself a hint of a whisper of a positive feeling, right up until you look in the mirror, and scream.

George W. Bush is just like that.

Everyone I know has had enough. Everyone I know is just about done. There is this threshold of happy deadened disgust, this point where the body simply resigns itself to the pain, a point where the disease, the poison has seeped so deeply into the bones that you just have to laugh and shrug it all off and go for a drink. Or 10."

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