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tickler 2007-09-27 02:00 PM

Federal judge rejects Ohio's Web porn law
The law violates the First Amendment because it was too broadly written.

Jim 2007-09-28 10:23 AM

You had to kind of expect that to happen. The words, "should know it is a minor" just don't work.

CD Smith 2007-09-28 12:23 PM

What there needs to be is a penalty to parents that let their kids go on the net unsupervised who get themselves into trouble with predators.

I see the desire to create a new type of charge against predators and agree with it (assuming it targets them only, and not other non-predator situations), but I think parents need to shoulder some responisibility for their kids' actions and well-being.

I mean really, isn't it quite negligent when a parent has no clue what their young son or daughter is up to on their bedroom computer, getting into sexual discussions with strange adult men who are out trolling for the young stuff? Even a small slap on the wrist of some sort would be a better message to those parents than nothing at all.

Extreme John 2007-09-28 01:39 PM

Your exactly right. When we had our house built we put the kids computer stations in a wide open area so they had constant visability. Especially now that my son is 12 I dont trust him looking for things on the web.

NobleSavage 2007-09-28 10:20 PM

Exactally CD Smith - what happened to PARENTING? There was a recent study that found fears of the Internet for kids is overblown.

And a discussion of it on Slashdot

Bobc01 2007-09-28 11:22 PM

I agree on the parenting thing, what kind of parent allows their kids to surf the net unsupervised.
Like with many things, it shows the parents just don't give a shit.
How dificult is it to type it up in google and find out info on family filters and such.
It isn't rocket science and some parents seem to rely on excuses that they didn't know how, well to me if they cared that much they'd find out no matter what.

Ramster 2007-09-29 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by Extreme John (Post 367337)
Your exactly right. When we had our house built we put the kids computer stations in a wide open area so they had constant visability. Especially now that my son is 12 I dont trust him looking for things on the web.

My 17 year old son wanted a computer in his room. After I stopped laughing I explained that I won't be budging from NO. :D

virgohippy 2007-09-30 10:15 PM

I think the best we can hope for is require computers come out of the box with filters already turned on.

I think if adults were forced to be responsible for their own machines, and realized how easy it is, there'd be less public hysterics.

papagmp 2007-10-01 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by virgohippy (Post 367523)
I think the best we can hope for is require computers come out of the box with filters already turned on.

I think if adults were forced to be responsible for their own machines, and realized how easy it is, there'd be less public hysterics.

Force parents to be responsible! Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!|jester|

kane 2007-10-02 02:36 AM

A friend of mine had an interesting solution to his oldest son wanting to be able to have his computer in his room and have internet. He mainly said he wants to play world of warcraft in his room, but he is 15 so he is probably wanting to look at some boobies too. My buddy told him he had two choices. He could keep it out in the living room area where it is now and do whatever on it and just know they are keeping an eye on him, or he can have it in his room and they would be installing software that lets he and his wife check everything he has done online and if they find he is doing something he shouldn't be doing, the computer is getting taken away from him for good. He agreed, the computer went in his room and so far no problems.

I thought it was a good idea because it lets them give him some freedom and privacy and it also allows him to show he can be responsible and trustworthy.

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