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Sandra 2008-05-28 05:49 PM

Formatting issue
I've been fighting with WP for a few days now. I just can't find a new template I like as much as this older one I was using. My big problem now is I don't know what to do about the formatting. The posts are overlapping.

Here's a link to show the problem:

This is a backup version I created to try out stuff - since twice before I'd added something to the "real" site and the blog disappeared. :-(

As you can see, the third post on the page starts within the second post. The second is one I created and the third is a feed. I edited the posts and they formatted correctly when using another theme - but it doesn't seem to work for this theme.

My guess is that it's in the CSS, but I'm not that good at CSS to be abe to tell for sure what is going on.

Oh, and "yes" - tags will be added once I figure out the formatting problem.

As I said, I really llike this theme and was hoping I could save it through a bit of tweaking.


HC-Majick 2008-05-28 06:19 PM

Try this and see what you get.... In your style sheet find the section below and add the text that is in bold:

.box2 {
background: #faeb34 url(img/bkstripes.gif);
border: 1px solid #f1f1f1;
padding:2px 2px 2px 10px;
margin: 10px 10px 15px 10px;
clear: both;

That may not be the best or even the correct solution, I just thru that in real quick and it seemed to work :D

Sandra 2008-05-29 12:22 AM

Thank you! Your quick answer is much appreciated.


It worked. Now I can keep using this template!

Sandra 2008-05-29 01:02 PM

I think I'm finally getting the hang of this again. lol The template I was using wasn't set up to use tags, so I looked for the code in the corresponding template (where the tags worked) and then experimented with it in the old template to see where I liked it the best. Kind of like I first learned HTML by studying what others did. :-)

frikkinpornster 2008-05-29 01:06 PM

If you're using firefox at all, then get yourself the firebug plugin. It lets you make changes to the css to see how they would look, then you just copy that to the stylesheet, save and all your visitors will also see the changes. Makes experimenting with your theme a pleasure since you're the only person who can see the changes until you're ready.

Sandra 2008-05-29 01:10 PM

Thanks for the suggestion. I have a copy of Firefox with all the "goodies" on my other machine. Guess it's time to put in the laptop. :-)

Rochard 2008-05-29 05:51 PM

Sounds like your all set, but if your interested in blog templates please see

Love your blog by the way.....

Sandra 2008-05-29 07:23 PM

Richard, thanks for the link - I've been thinking about one day investing in a "pro" template. Lady Lynx is going to be ten years old in October - maybe I should buy her a new outfit to celebrate. lol And thank you for the compliment on the blog. :-)

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