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SmithsMedia 2009-03-26 06:25 PM

Jester Pls Read
Hi Jester I just got this from you

You will no longer be listed on Pic Stable for violoation of rules. We
actually check the sites you submit and follow up with oter webmasters. I
dont appreciate fake submits being sent to my site. The least you can do is actually link my site with other sites you ACTUALLY submit to.

can you contact me so I can establish the cause of the issue pls?

cheers mate

NY Jester 2009-03-27 05:49 AM

Sure I can -

You submitted -
site name: UK Spanking Movies

Now if you look you have Greenguys recip, hoes etc.

If you look at Greenguys here is your listing..same site etc.
Here is the listing you submitted to him
Site Name : Uk Spanking Movies

Any questions?

I find it hard to believe that Greenie listed this site you tell me. |thumb

SmithsMedia 2009-03-27 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by NY Jester (Post 445905)
Sure I can -

You submitted -
site name: UK Spanking Movies

Now if you look you have Greenguys recip, hoes etc.

If you look at Greenguys here is your listing..same site etc.
Here is the listing you submitted to him
Site Name : Uk Spanking Movies

Any questions?

I find it hard to believe that Greenie listed this site you tell me. |thumb

I know exactly what has happened there - can you list your ll I can fix it :)

SmithsMedia 2009-03-27 05:58 AM

you have pm

NY Jester 2009-03-27 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by SmithsMedia (Post 445906)
I know exactly what has happened there - can you list your ll I can fix it :)

What you got caught?

SmithsMedia 2009-03-27 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by NY Jester (Post 445908)
What you got caught?

you are a prize tool mate,

you lists are not rated in my ll manager thus your sites come out last, it fills the wholes again from the top of the list, I update my list based on listings and traffic.

You seem to be suggesting I am doing this to on purpose? |crazy|

Useless 2009-03-27 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by SmithsMedia (Post 445909)
you are a prize tool mate,

you lists are not rated in my ll manager thus your sites come out last, it fills the wholes again from the top of the list, I update my list based on listings and traffic.

You seem to be suggesting I am doing this to on purpose? |crazy|

If you are auto-building your pages and not watching for this type of nonsense before submitting, then the onus is on you. You are to blame -- not Jester. You are the one who submitted a page with a bogus recip grouping, not him. You aren't new at this and you really should know better.

SmithsMedia 2009-03-27 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by Useless Warrior (Post 445910)
If you are auto-building your pages and not watching for this type of nonsense before submitting, then the onus is on you. You are to blame -- not Jester. You are the one who submitted a page with a bogus recip grouping, not him. You aren't new at this and you really should know better.

I agree with what you are saying, I see you edited out a part of your post which again was the correct thing to do as my next intention was not to say anything about his list.

In fact I want to submit to as many places as possible, it is in my interest to group sites that are active and updated.

Why did I create a thread? - I emailed him and used the contact methods Jester offers in his emails.

If Jester is not prepared to or does not wish to resolve the issue with me that is is call - ITS HIS WEB SITE - and I shall respect this as there is no point doing this > |banghead| < the wall always wins.

NY Jester 2009-03-27 07:21 AM

first of all you didnt try to contact me any other way but making a thread here. second, you are at fault, so you are going to try and slight me by trying to make it somehow my fault that you submitted a bogus page to me? C'mon now. If you want I'll gladly go back and thoroughly check each submit thats you REALLY want me to do that? I dont think so. Because honestly, I always thought your sites were pretty stand up, but something made me double check. Hmm, instinct works sometimes. You arent going to degrade me or bad mouth me here, just wont happen, Im one of the good guys. Take your lumps and move on. And not for nothing, you may think you are just losing my site to submit to but now that this is out in the open, Im sure most everyone else will be double checking your posts. Back track all you want, fact is you were caught.And one final note about your reply..youre telling me that your recips are generated by traffic, so answer me why you have me with Link O Rama and also have a duplicate site that was submitted to LOR..tell your story walking.

SmithsMedia 2009-03-27 07:34 AM

It is clear we will not come to a resolution, I have tried to resolve this with you as swiftly as possible.

Webmasters check my sites all the time and quite a few point out errors when they are made.

May I sugest to you something? You method of correspondance can be deemed as somewhat threating, it is if at times you are placing yourself on some 'level' above others, calling people a cheat is quite a sweeping statement one that I find very distasteful.

Am I one of these 'good guys' you label yourself as, yes most certainly I am though I do make mistakes, dont we all.

please check your email this was in reply to your first message if this is not good enough to prove that my intentions are genuine then there is nothing more to say on the matter I guess and if you would be so kind as to tell me your sites I will make sure I do not trouble you again with submissions:

HI jester,

Please let me know what is going wrong mate I will fix it up, Im not into cheating people fella, I don’t go on GG&^J now as too busy for forums though have been about for many years now as SmithsMedia or Nochexcontact



-----Original Message-----
From: Jester []
Sent: 26 March 2009 19:51
Subject: Re: Pic Stable Link Submission

You will no longer be listed on Pic Stable for violoation of rules. We actually check the sites you submit and follow up with oter webmasters. I dont appreciate fake submits being sent to my site. The least you can do is actually link my site with other sites you ACTUALLY submit to.

have a great day.
If you have any questions
please contact NY Jester @
Green Guy and Jim's Webmaster Board
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 6:09 AM
Subject: Pic Stable Link Submission

> Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
> ( on Monday, February 16, 2009 at 02:09:42
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> name: NOCHEXcontact
> url:
> site name: UK Spanking Movies
> description: Films showing females from Britain being spanked and caned by
> men across their mature bare bottoms
> site content: Movies
> link type: Free Site
> category 1: BDSM | FemDom
> category 2: Amateur

SmithsMedia 2009-03-27 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by NY Jester (Post 445917)
duplicate site that was submitted to LOR..tell your story walking.

no duplicate site was submited to LOR or listed, if you can trully understand what has happened UW explains it well then it will become clear its not a double submission to LOR. |thumb

Toby 2009-03-27 07:45 AM

No, not a double submit to LOR, but a totally different submit to LOR without a PicStable recip.

If you sumbit a site to a LL with recips to that site and 11 other LL's then the site owners each expect that the exact same site with the exact same group of recips was also submitted to those other 11 LL's.

Are you getting it now? Understand what the problem is?

SmithsMedia 2009-03-27 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by Toby (Post 445924)
No, not a double submit to LOR, but a totally different submit to LOR without a PicStable recip.

If you sumbit a site to a LL with recips to that site and 11 other LL's then the site owners each expect that the exact same site with the exact same group of recips was also submitted to those other 11 LL's.

Are you getting it now? Understand what the problem is?

Yes I know exactly what Jester has taken issue to and I am offering to solve the problem and explaining what is wrong.

Jesters Recip Has no 'weight' in my DB *this is not very any paticular reason in Jesters Case*, it is this I am offering to change to resolve the issue.

Amazing I have one board member helping resolve a PHP error via PM, Jack Daniels and another branding me a cheat, amazing trully amazing.

NY Jester 2009-03-27 07:57 AM

If my site holds no weight than kindly remove me from your submit list. Plain. Simple. Easy.
Its been clearly shown to you what the issue is and yet you want to argue the facts? Thats whats amazing.

And for the record I NEVER called you a cheat, I said I dont appreciate fake submits. You clearly have LOR and other recips on the page you submitted to me and yet that page isnt listed with them, in fact they are listed with a completely different sub-directory.

Toby 2009-03-27 08:09 AM

This looks like a good place to set up shop.

Clues for sale! Step right up! Get your clues here!

Friday Special Buy 2 clues get a 3rd FREE!

Clues for sale! Step right up! Get your clues here!


SmithsMedia 2009-03-27 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by NY Jester (Post 445928)
If my site holds no weight than kindly remove me from your submit list. Plain. Simple. Easy.
Its been clearly shown to you what the issue is and yet you want to argue the facts? Thats whats amazing.

And for the record I NEVER called you a cheat, I said I dont appreciate fake submits. You clearly have LOR and other recips on the page you submitted to me and yet that page isnt listed with them, in fact they are listed with a completely different sub-directory.

he he - you are making me actually laugh here, no worries I will remove your from my database :)

Have a lovely day :) Thank you once again for bringing this to my attetion BTW as I have put something in place to stop it happening in the future.

SmithsMedia 2009-03-27 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by Toby (Post 445932)
This looks like a good place to set up shop.

Clues for sale! Step right up! Get your clues here!

Friday Special Buy 2 clues get a 3rd FREE!

Clues for sale! Step right up! Get your clues here!


stop being a child,

MrMaryLou 2009-03-27 09:23 AM

You got busted trying to make your free sites more list-able with all link list :( One thing you might want to keep in mind is that the link list world is a small one.

SmithsMedia 2009-03-27 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by MrMaryLou (Post 445946)
You got busted trying to make your free sites more list-able with all link list :( One thing you might want to keep in mind is that the link list world is a small one.

this is the thing, it is being put to me in a 'negative sense' yet on my part it is a genuine oversight, one that I have addressed my end. I have acepted that, whats more I have tried to resolve it with Jester too.

LD 2009-03-27 09:50 AM

How does one check for this type thing? Just go to LOR (or PB, RR, DD etc) and start looking? I get submissions from time to time (not SmithMedia) with my recip alongside LOR or one of the other major list, which is great but now I'm thinking I should do some investigating. Mistakes do happen, and people do cheat.

SmithsMedia 2009-03-27 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by LusciousDelight (Post 445949)
How does one check for this type thing? Just go to LOR (or PB, RR, DD etc) and start looking? I get submissions from time to time (not SmithMedia) with my recip alongside LOR or one of the other major list, which is great but now I'm thinking I should do some investigating. Mistakes do happen, and people do cheat.

cheat is a harsh word, to over come this I now look at the count and chop off the odd ones, it just never occured to me before.

I know you were not calling me a cheat I meant generally :)

Tekster 2009-03-27 12:25 PM

Sorry I fucked up and I will take care of it would have done it, and would have saved a lot of typing, frustration and your name. JMTC.

SmithsMedia 2009-03-27 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by Tekster (Post 445969)
Sorry I fucked up and I will take care of it would have done it, and would have saved a lot of typing, frustration and your name. JMTC.

agreed and tried that :)

Mr Spock 2009-03-27 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by LusciousDelight (Post 445949)
How does one check for this type thing? Just go to LOR (or PB, RR, DD etc) and start looking? I get submissions from time to time (not SmithMedia) with my recip alongside LOR or one of the other major list, which is great but now I'm thinking I should do some investigating. Mistakes do happen, and people do cheat.

Wouldn't call it cheating , Chameleon does this with galleries and I assume with the LL submitter as well. Say you have 11 sites in your DB it will take one of the "better" sites (tommys or shemp or in the case of LL - LOR and use it to make up the missing recip(s). Great for the bigger site as you get more inbound links.

A similar thing CS does for galleries(not to sure if it applies to LL submitter , probably does) is to create a separate gallery for each site you submit to (resulting in 2 "fake recips) per submit - webmasters do this so they know exactly where each sale comes from , again the TGP/LL is getting more inbound links in (Mostly crappy worthless links , but still inbound links)

How much traffic do LL and TGPs get via the recip links anyway?

LD 2009-03-27 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by Mr Spock (Post 445997)
Wouldn't call it cheating , Chameleon does this with galleries and I assume with the LL submitter as well. Say you have 11 sites in your DB it will take one of the "better" sites (tommys or shemp or in the case of LL - LOR and use it to make up the missing recip(s). Great for the bigger site as you get more inbound links.

A similar thing CS does for galleries(not to sure if it applies to LL submitter , probably does) is to create a separate gallery for each site you submit to (resulting in 2 "fake recips) per submit - webmasters do this so they know exactly where each sale comes from , again the TGP/LL is getting more inbound links in (Mostly crappy worthless links , but still inbound links)

How much traffic do LL and TGPs get via the recip links anyway?

I'm not familiar with Chameleon, but you're saying I could end up with a site which contains a LOR recip, put their automatically by Chameleon, yet that site would not be listed at LOR (a different mirror would be, however). ...?

I doesn't sound like cheating, unless the submitter were intentionally trying to trick list into listing the site.

But it is misleading as hell, it seems. When I am listed with one of the major sites, I notice qute a few extra clicks from the recip links. I haven't kept count, but I would say 20-30 extra clicks, maybe more. It is something I value as a small list, but I would rather not be fooled, whether intentional or not.

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