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Simon 2009-08-05 06:37 AM

Happy Hump Day (follows Fall Off the Wall Day)
Good morning world |waves|

I had some unplanned interruptions take over the day yesterday, and it's probably going to take a few days for things to return to the usual calm state here.

Yesterday I was walking around in here, talking with someone on the phone. I wandered into the kitchen and was just starting to walk back out when a big double cabinet detached from the wall, slammed down onto the sink, then tipped over and crashed onto the kitchen floor (missing me by about a foot).

It was the cabinet with most of my dishes, glasses and serving plates, so there was a lot of broken glass and plates all over the floor, plus the pieces from the destroyed cabinet.

Seems there's a roof leak somewhere and the water had come down behind the cabinet, over time eroding away enough of it that it basically just came apart. So the cabinets on that wall need to be replaced, the drywall behind it replaced, and the remaining wall space treated from black mold. But first the roof leak has to be found and fixed so the work inside isn't destroyed by the next big rain (and it's the rainy season here).

Oh, and after cleaning the kitchen and throwing out all the broken glasses, plates and the trashed cabinet, I washed the counter around the sink and the few things that hadn't broken in the fall. It was about then that I noticed I was creating a puddle on the floor, and discovered that cabinet had hit the sink hard enough to push the drain pipe down an inch or so, just enough to bend one of the pipes feeding into it and causing it to begin leaking at a joint.

So... roof leak to be found and repaired, plumbing repairs to be done, drywall cut out and replaced, mold treated, cabinets replaced. And of course the fun of having to shop for new dinnerware, glasses, a variety of serving plates, bowls, etc.

Anyway, that was how my day shaped up yesterday.

Hope yours was better.


papagmp 2009-08-05 07:06 AM

You should have stayed in bed!

Greenguy 2009-08-05 07:13 AM

Morning |waves|

I actually slept for about 7 hours & woke up feeling decent. Of course, that was 2 hours ago & now I'm yawning.

Nothing on the agenda for today except work.

Simon - glad you're ok, but that is a little bit funny :)

JackDaniel's 2009-08-05 07:22 AM

Good Morning Everyone |waves|

Cleo 2009-08-05 07:31 AM

Fuck Simon that sucks green ass donkey balls.

No breaking dishes here and not planning on risking fate today on a rubber raft in rough seas so it should be a quit mundane day of going to the gym and making the porn.

MrMaryLou 2009-08-05 07:36 AM

Good Morning All :)
I am glad your ok Simon.

Simon 2009-08-05 07:56 AM

Yeah, it fell right behind me. The funny thing was I didn't react, didn't jump or yell. I just turned around and looked at everything there on the floor, smashed to pieces. I was talking to someone on the phone and he said all he heard after the huge crash was silence and then my voice saying "wow" very calmly.

And before someone mentions this being useless without pics, the part I forgot to mention was that when I went to take some photos my camera said 'battery depleted' and I couldn't find the charger for it. Can't buy the battery locally here, so I'm waiting for my friend who came over later to send me the photos he took for me.

Oh, and it's supposed to rain today so they probably won't be able to do any roof repairs. Guess I'll just concentrate on the porn today.


gnarpen 2009-08-05 08:10 AM

Good Afternoon All!
Roof leakage is no fun, it can be a lot more damage then you see at first

Mike-mijen 2009-08-05 08:51 AM

Damn Simon, Good Luck

hashbury 2009-08-05 09:07 AM

Good morning all.
Just work as normal today. Im glad your ok simon, sounds like something that would happen to my wife.
Have a good one all

Jim 2009-08-05 09:32 AM

That sucks Simon...
Again, I have been fighting with my pc. Something is causing it to lock up on me but not ie8 like I first thought. Anyway, I seem to be running ok for now. And, I am going to be working for the rest of the day.

Ramster 2009-08-05 11:00 AM

Good Morning.

More CMS work today.

Simon, that blows for sure.

sue-fl 2009-08-05 11:03 AM


Simon so sorry for your awful day yesterday!

The Rays beat the Soxs in the 13th inning last night......|bananna| and what a great game it was!

It's raining and thundering here so looks like I'm stuck inside today.

Have a nice day all |thumb

bDok 2009-08-05 11:30 AM

morning. Up and the cabinet installer is here already working away on things. Going to work for a bit today, but most likely I'll just be hanging out watching stuff get done and relaxing a little while building and sorting through some content. That's the plan at least today. It's subject to change.

Later tonight going to the opening of the gi joe movie. Stoked on that. I was WAY into gi joe when I was a kid. So it will be cool to see the movie.

Happy hump day.

terry 2009-08-05 11:33 AM

Good Morning Everyone!

Thanks Simon... just when I thought I had it rough, I read your story. Now I dont feel bad. Good luck with all the repairs.

LeRoy 2009-08-05 11:38 AM

Wow Simon. You have a lot of work to do. Glad that cabinet didnt hit ya.

Hope today is better.

I'm still on cloud nine over here because I'm not in the car 5 hours every day.

Preacher 2009-08-05 12:21 PM

Luckily, no kitchen disasters for me yesterday unless you call getting spanked by your kids in Uno while sitting at the dinner table counts. :)

I did have a rough run yesterday that makes me feel older than dirt. No idea why, but I couldn't stop coughing and hacking up things.

Today, just work as far as I know...

smutguy 2009-08-05 12:30 PM

Good morning everyone....

sorry to hear about your ruff day yesterday Simon..

Tekster 2009-08-05 12:55 PM

Good Morning All,

Simon, that sucks, at least you are OK.

MeatPounder 2009-08-05 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by sue-fl (Post 459719)

Simon so sorry for your awful day yesterday!

The Rays beat the Soxs in the 13th inning last night......|bananna| and what a great game it was!

It's raining and thundering here so looks like I'm stuck inside today.

Have a nice day all |thumb

Yup, my damn sox kept getting in jams (what 3 times the rays left the bases loaded?) and getting out of them...tampa always gives us fits

bluebrit 2009-08-05 06:18 PM

Sounds like an insurance job Simon. Good to hear you weren't hurt though and we both hope you get things sorted out soon.

As for us, well it's just another day of odds n sods not much different from any other day.

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